
Violets & Eyelets

You may recall from my last post 
that I've been busy stitching
Spring Violets.
I hinted about adding wool accents...
Simulating the cross stitched violets
into wool ones...

I found  the perfect match,
in wool felt,
to create these tiny little wool violets.
about the size of a dime.
See the little bumblebee?

I think I am close,
perhaps just a wee-tad smaller
in size...


Love the texture that this will add to the overall piece.

And since this piece has added detail,
I thought adding some little eyelet stitches for the grass was in order...

When I chart a design, it is never a "one and done".  How's that for some basketball terminology? 
 Any UCONN fans here? 
If so, congrats!
 They knocked my team out (ISU) in the Sweet 16, so I cheered them on. 
Okay, back to stitching...
When I chart a design, I always have 2 or more versions of the design.  They are all slightly different.  Then I get to choose which one I like best.  I am to the point of my stitching on this design that I need to decide if I am going to go with version 1 or 2.  Do I stitch the sheep on this piece, or do I leave it off?  Help me!  Do you want a sheep or not!???
The overall size of this piece is what I would consider small. 
 Not sure if a frame is in order
 or a finish into a little cupboard tuck or hanger.  

Our snow is now gone, 
we had a nice little shower last evening.
It smells like spring outside today,
Spring Violets coming soon...
real ones,
wool ones,
and cross stitched ones!

I have been having issues with spammers commenting.
I have switched my commenting over to moderating them,
hoping to deter these spammers.
Anyone else having problems with this?

Have a good day,


Brenda said...

I love your little wool violets. I am looking forward to picking little violets from the yard. Bring on spring!

We are ISU fans too; we were beaten by the best, right?

I love your blog.

Jennifer M said...

Brenda you never cease to amaze me, you are a beautiful designer that I admire greatly. Of course I want this design too! I would love it with sheep (I am a country girl)but would love it just as much without the sheep. You have pleased us with everything you do and thank you as always:)
Jennifer M

Ronnie said...

I love the little wool violets, it add dimention to the piece!

Anonymous said...

I love the little violets, it just brings the picture to life. Eying this project for a Mother's Day gift.
Can't wait to have real violets on the Easter table very soon!

Melissa said...

I vote for sheep! Love the spring violets, so pretty. The little wool one adds a special touch!

Dede said...

OH so cute and think a lamb would be perfect with the spring violets.
Our first daffodils have opened so now I really feel like spring is here but see in our NE KS forecast that the dreaded white stuff may fall middle of next week but the next day it will be 60 so can take in maybe one more time! Last year we had snow on May 4th...no thank you not again!

Shari said...

Dearest Brenda, Your gift of design and creating loveliness is so wonderful and uplifting to me! These violets are outstanding. Love the little eyelets, love the colors, absolutely love the wool 3-dimensional look. Sheep or no? As for me, whatever you show me I am going to love! How about letting us have both, a 2 or 1? Just a suggestion :). As for the spamming, I am currently reading Blogging for Dummies and it talks about that and how you probably will eventually have to screen. Whatever you do, please don't ever stop posting! Your beautiful blog is a must read for me, it is truly beautiful. Love, Shari Witt theprettypeahen.blogspot.com

moosecraft said...

How about we mix it up here and try this... chart a sheep, rabbit, cat, dog, and bird... then let the stitcher decide what to stitch in the allotted space... :-)

moosecraft said...

Actually... a smiling piggy might be nice too! :-)

natalysneedle said...

Love this piece and can't wait until you publish it! It just makes me feel like spring has arrived.

Colleen said...

Your piece is adorable, and so very spring - y! Love the little wool violet. I enjoy using the JABCO buttons sometimes, and wool accents would be a nice change. I like Moosecraft's idea about adding an option for various animals, but perhaps it would new too much work. Sheep or a rabbit would be nice, carrying on with the spring theme. I'm working on Frances Pool in silk, and am loving it!

gracie said...

Violets are one of my favorite flowers. Yay UConn.....

Katken said...

Definitely a sheep!! Love love the violets. Hope the wool comes in the kit!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not one to turn away sheep.:) The design is very pretty. Can't imagine how you are able to chart your own designs.

Nancy M said...

I would love a sheep but agree with the others, anything you design is perfection.

~*Sharee*~ said...

What a beautiful design; as always.. :) It'd be cute with or without the sheep, I vote with. Can't wait to buy it..

Hugs, Shar

Linda said...

I love the stitched violets. I'm still thinking about the wool ones! I cheered for UConn too after the ISU loss. One commented on Facebook said: "We were just one Niang away from a National Championship!" I liked that!

linda said...

Love this design-the violets the wool the colors! I am a UCONN fan and am thrilled! What an exciting ride. Originally from CT now in AZ. Will you offer the wool as well with this design?

Jenny said...

Wow!! Another winner, Brenda. Oh yes! Do include a sheep! The eyelit stitches, wool violets - it's all lovely!

Jenny said...

Wow!! Another winner, Brenda! Oh yes! Please do include a sheep. I am looking forward to this one!!

edie said...

I really really like what you've done, and I always like sheep, but whatever you decide will be wonderful. I know I would like to have a kit. Soon? Thanks for your designs -- your charts are the best!

Laurie said...

I'm new to your blog and love it. Love your design work and can't wait to stitch some of your patterns. My husband works in the wool business, so I would like to sheep on the pattern. As far as spammers....Yes, they have been driving me crazy. The thing I did and it has worked great is that I don't allow anonymous comments. All the spam I was receiving was from anonymous people. I think the comment moderation will help, too.

Anonymous said...

I love the violets! The design is beautiful and the wool violets are beautiful! I would vote for a bunny I love bunnies...

LaNelle said...

Once again you have given us another beautiful piece! Just perfect for Spring love the colors! I too love the sheep. Thanks for asking....love reading your blog gives me inspiration even with a yard still full of snow. LOL

DebrafromMD said...

I love the violets, and I say yes to the sheep.

Lynn said...

Oh, those little wool violets are the sweetest things! I love them! A sheep would be fine but I would be just as happy without one. The violets speak for themselves. Spring has come!

For the first time in 7 years of blogging I'm having issues with some spam comments. There have only been a couple which I have removed but should it continue I will have to add the moderation too.

Vonna Pfeiffer said...

YES, lots of spammers...

Your Violets are beautiful and I say...YES to the sheep, but I'm sure it would be beautiful sheep or not :)

Patti said...

I am loving the sweet little violets! Both stitched and wool! I vote no sheep, but I am probably in the minority :)
Blessings, Patti

Patti-Rocky Mtn Stitcher said...

sheep as my blog will prove. I too had to moderate my responses and approve them.

Roo said...

Please add a sheep! Violets are beautiful and a sheep would seal the deal for a must purchase right away!

Stitching Noni said...

I love your violets! Such a clever way to enhance your stitching. And the colours are beautiful.
As for spammers, I did get some awhile ago but now I don't allow anonymous comments and that has helped so far!

Chrissie said...

The wool violets are very pretty. I vote YES for the sheep! I like sheep. And the fluffy white will look so nice with all the purple, lavender and violet.

Thank you for such beautiful patterns for us to stitch!

Olivia said...

Love the violets, would love the sheep! Everything you do is super!

aprilmecheelesdulllife said...

Love the Wool Violets! I see Sheep!! lol

Ali said...

I am loving the violets and the teeny felt is ooh gorgeous! Not so sure about sheep though (ducks head) but will no doubt love whatever you decide.

Natasha said...

Ohhh my I sure do love this 3D addition of the violet!! Whatever you decide to put with it will be wonderful I am sure. Will you be including the wool for sale with the chart?? I would buy this in a hot minuite :)

Nana's Quilts said...

Lovely, lovely. I am something of a softie for sheep, so guess I might go that way. But also, you mention a "cupboard tuck". Sorry - I don't know what that is. Can you point me to one?

Many thanks.

Unknown said...

Love the violets - everyone does sheep, they are cute, but something different would be special!

Michele in La said...

The violets are so lovely! The addition of the wool felt is just genius :).

I vote 'no' to the sheep, but think the idea of another commenter about a rabbit would make the piece scream "Springtime"!

Michele in La said...

The violets are so lovely! The addition of the wool felt is just genius :).

I vote 'no' to the sheep, but think the idea of another commenter about a rabbit would make the piece scream "Springtime"!

cl said...

no sheep! I have a flock and perhaps a bunny or chick would do?

Marcia said...

Love violets & love sheep! Beautiful design! As former Iowans, we were cheering for the Cyclones!!

Cheryl WNC said...

I adore the violets. I think sheep is a great idea. Thanks for another must have piece.

Cheryl WNC said...

I adore the violets. I think sheep is a great idea. Thanks for another must have.

Kate said...

Loving the wool violets ~ adds such dimension. I'd like to see the sheep please.

Jeanne said...

Absolutely love violets and there aren't that many designs available that use them - this will definitely go on my wish list! I had spammers for a short time but then they disappeared. Usually they move on at some point.

susie said...

Your stitching is beautiful and I love those violets!

Lorraine said...

Your stitching is lovely. The wool violets add just the right amount of texture!

Adria said...

Love the design, you create beautiful designs. I have several in my stash. Am working on Pink Sparrow now on 40 count and loving it. Having choices on this chart would be nice.