I've had one of those types of mornings...
didn't sleep well, been up and out of bed since 4:30 AM
and gots too much coffee in me (sorry, I'm feeling grammatically challenged today due to caffeine overload).
At 7:30 AM took a phone call from Mom,
she informs me Dad's in the hospital...irregular heart beat.
Okay, now the caffeine from the 7 cups of coffee I have consumed
this morning
have kicked in
and I feel like maybe my heart is doing a cartwheel or two, also.
So I try to busy myself
and head to the post office to find two yellow cards in our post office box...
love it when I have these in my box because that means I have packages.
One package was from Suzanne,
one of my model cross stitchers
and immediately tore into that package
the minute I got into the car.
Thanks Suzanne...once again, your stitching is PERFECT!!
I didn't recognize the name of the California sender of package number 2, so I elected to wait until I got home to open that package.
Upon opening the package
I remembered it was my recent eBay purchase, a spinning pincushion/spool holder. The piece is much smaller then it appeared in the photo....just a mere 3" tall. I love the "petite-ness" of it...I immediately fell in love with the pincushion's old worn corduroy cloth...
you know, the old faded orangish reddish red...LOVE that color, it's my fav!
So I thought I'd share a picture of my new little pincushion/thread spool keep with you all...
it is my new favorite treasure!

Not sure how my next days will unfold. Will be spending my day sitting by the phone, waiting for it to ring probably....
Have a good weekend,