My two day sabatical from work....
I enjoyed a nice break from pattern design work & helped out with Beckham while Mommy was recovering from oral surgery. Beckham was so good for Grandma & I had a wonderful time. He no longer looks like a baby...he is all little boy! He has found his fingers and enjoys singing with his thumb and index finger in his cute & makes for a sweet little bedtime song.
I now have lots of new pictures to tweak & create with in my photo editing program....yippeee!!!! It sounds like winter is returning over the weekend with a foot of snow forecast & blizzard conditions....a good weekend to curl up in a chair and do some needlework!Have a good weekend,brenda gervais
What a sweetie!!! How can you not love that cute face!!! I understand your priorities Grandma!!!
Margaret B
Brenda he is just so cute. Grandchildren are just so special enjoy him a lot because they grow up even faster than our children did. Love Patti xxx
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