"Everybirdy" loves grape jam!
Here is Miss Sassy Robin with grape jam on her beak...
She is now chasing "everybirdy" away from the jam,
she has claimed the dish as hers!
If there is a bird with an attitude,
it is her...
Miss Grosbeak enjoys safflower seed,
but has decided to check out the jam, too.
She sat there for some time, just watching and waiting...
for a turn.
When the plate was hers,
all to herself,
she gave it a try.
Mmmm, this is pretty good stuff!
There are still daily squabbles going on between the males.
It is quite entertaining to watch...
They are in a feeding frenzy and no one likes to share.
They aren't the least bit interested in the females,
just jam...
I've had commenter's ask where I live, rural or urban? I live in a small town, with rural countryside a few miles away on all sides. Our home is in the oldest part of town
with our streets and backyards filled with 100 year old trees...so, we have lots of birds.
The Spring of 2014 will be remembered as the year of hungry orioles, lots of them!
The past few days
I've had the thrill of an Indigo Bunting
visiting "the plate"...
One of my favorite song birds.
You can see his brown winter feathers are starting to turn indigo blue.
His feathers will turn a brilliant iridescent blue for mating season.
Isn't he the sweetest little guy?
Such a pretty blue.
Made me want to work with blue floss
and inspired me to create this little guy in cotton & linen
It is tiny, worked over 1 on 40 count and then framed in
a pocket watch frame.
I simply tied it to a little old book
with vintage ribbon
for a sweet little vignette.
I nice little remembrance token of the Spring of 2014.
With thy Needle &Thread,
Thanks for the fabulous bird photos. You have some wonderful birds in your part of the country.
Grape jam....who would have thought?!
Wow you have beautiful birds in your back yard. LOVE the blue bunting in the pocketwatch. Must release a pattern (PLEASE!!!)
Brenda, you're fueling the obsession! Love your color changes....this birdy looks very familiar:)Your bird photography is awesome!
I would love to spend a Spring day in your yard :-)...and your little bird pocket watch finish is stunningly sweet!
Loving all your everybirdies! Beautiful close up shots. What a sweet stitch. :)
Beautiful birds! I have to agree with you about the hungry birds. I wonder if it has something to do with the harsh winter we had. Lovely little bird stitch too.
You get the greatest pictures of birds!! Love seeing them!
I certainly would have a hard time staying on task with all the beautiful feathered friends you have in your yard. I sure hope that Blue Bunting will be available for our stitching pleasure...it's lovely:)
Brenda, just love your birds blogs & pictures..our orioles are many & what an appetite...Indigo Bunting is gorgeous I've had a few over the years love that you put him to pattern....continue to enjoy....
Did you save the pattern? Because you KNOW people are going to be incessant in the need to do this themselves :)
It is gorgeous Brenda!
Your pictures are beautiful! & what a wonderful way to remember a tiny piece of a gorgeous Spring. (I wish I could do that :) I keep wondering if any birds around here would come to jam & oranges - have to check that out.
It looks like you love birds as much as I do! Watching them relaxes me and feeds my soul. Your samplers look beautiful, as usual. Is the little bird stitched over one going to be a pattern for sale? I love it, and love how you presented it. My shop was named Spring Robin not only because of my name, but because I was actually named after this beautiful and noble bird. Thanks for including "us" in your creations!
Brenda. Is the pattern for sale yet? The little bird?
Brenda, the blue bunting fob is beautiful. The bird is lovely and after seeing him having some jam I can see why you had to stitch him. Will you please issue the chart!
You have the most beautiful birds where you live. I love looking at the photos of them. I live just outside Victoria, BC, at the tip of Vancouver Island. We do have lots of birds here, but not so colourful as yours. That Indigo Blue Bunting is gorgeous, and I like the way you use nature in your stitchings. Makes me feel like getting out my threads and needle and starting something.
What a adorable little birdie!! Thank you for sharing such wonderful talent!!!
Love the blue bird!! are we going to see this as a pattern/graph???
Brenda.. Love the blue bird.. are we going to see this as a pattern/graph??
Thanks Brenda. Really enjoyed the beautiful birds.
What lovely photos! Thanks for sharing them :)
Hey- it's the pink sparrow dressed in blue. Adorable! Love all of your bird pics. We are having a nice Spring migration but not nearly as spectacular as yours. I'm jealous!
Such wonderful photos! Thanks for sharing. I am always ecstatic when the Orioles decide to stop with us for a few days on their way farther north. Last year we had quite a few but this year I've only seen them one day, in spite of my efforts to coax them to stay. Love your sweet little cross stitch!
What a beautiful setting to create in! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!13
everyone asking if this is going to be a chart.. or is already??? thanks we love the little bird!!
Brenda - new blog follower here! I find a kindred spirit in you, because I also enjoy cross stitch and bird watching! I had a question about some phrasing you use on your blog. I am a self-taught cross stitcher and fairly green at it, and when you say, for example, "28 count gingham linen over 2 threads", what does the "over 2 threads" refer to? Is that how many floss strands used? Or is it how many threads of your fabric are covered by each stitch?
Thanks! Em in NE
Gorgeous birds! I love your Blue Bunting. I've never seen one.
And what fun to commemorate his visit with your pocketwatch.
These birds are so beautiful! I've never seen so colorful birds! Especially the orange ones!
Great work. Embroidery Digitizing Services Nice.
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