Today's recipe & photo share are courtesy of my son, Matthew.
To set the scene of today's post, we'll begin here...
It's Saturday afternoon & the phone is ringing.
Mom: "Hello"
Matthew: (no hello, just a voice doing his best Beavis & Butthead impersonation...)"Aaaaaahhhhhh, if you were fennel, what are you & where would you be in the grocery store?"
Mom: (I'm now thinking, what in the world is my #2 child cooking...)"Fennel is a spice and you'll find it in the spice aisle"
Mom: "Sort of looks like caraway seeds".
Mom: "What do you need fennel for?"
Matthew: (his phone is now breaking up as it often does when he calls me from the grocery store and all I could make out was...) "I'm going to smoke it."
Mom replies in a somewhat louder/concerned type of voice: "'re going to do SMOKE IT????"
Matthew: "Yea, I bought some salmon and I'm going to smoke it." "The brine calls for fennel".
Mom (now in a more relaxed voice): "Oh, yea, that sounds good."
Mom: "Do you have a smoker?"
Matthew: "No"
Mom: "Oh"
Matthew: "I'm going to turn my grill into a smoker." (He inherited this sort of "make-do" ability from his Dad)
Mom: "Hummm, will that work?"
Matthew: "Yea, it'll work."
(Blogger Mother is now brainstorming....I'm not quite sure what kind of response this question will bring, but what the heck...I'm going to ask it here goes)
Mom: "You should take pictures." "You know, step by step pictures." "And I'll post it on my blog!"
Matthew: "Okay."
(He said okay, can you b-e-l-i-e-v-e it! Mother is now doing the "happy dance" as she has Monday's blog post all planned...and better yet, she doesn't have to make the mess in her kitchen or even take the photos!!)
Sunday afternoon (It is at this time I'm really wondering if sonny boy is going to pull through on this sort of deal we had goin'. Later in the day I check my email and oh baby I got mail! Mail from Matthew! Mail with lots of pictures attached! We are makin' smoked salmon & Matthew you are thee man!!!
Here is the recipe just as it came to me from editing, so enjoy!
ok so here is what i had to do. first you have to put the "brine" together and soak the salmon in it for a day or so. here is the brine (Mom thinking here...looks like the college grad could use a refresher course in capitalization)
4 cups water
1/4 cup kosher salt
1/4 cup brown sugar
2 bay leaves
1 stalk sliced celery
1/2 cup chopped fennel
1/2 cup chopped onion
2 smashed garlic cloves

And that ends our fun day of cooking with Matthew. Please let us know if you would like this to become a weekly deal, as I'm sure Matthew wouldn't mind.....
Also please free to offer any favorite brine recipes or smoking tips that you may have!
Have a good evening,
(Matthew if you should happen upon this post...thanks a bunch! - Love, Mom)
What a great post...thanks for sharing...and tell Matthew any guy that cooks is a great guy to me...I would love to see a weekly update from Matthew..
But he needed the veg not the spice (herb)! Wonderful, enjoyed reading!
What guy has a refrigerator that's that neat??? I wish that smoked salmon was in my fridge...or stomach....right now!
What a great post! I love all the little additional "Mom" comments!! I agree completely with devonaz that we need a weekly update from Matthew - if not weekly, perhaps even a monthly one?
Well, didn't your Matthew do a great job on that little tutorial and he's a good looking son of a gun, too. Maybe he should get his own cooking show!
Love it. This should become a regular feature! Including the mom comments.
LOL that is fantastic. It actually looks really good. I would love to see a weekly update from Matthew
Loved Matthew's cooking class.I actually knew where he could find fennel in the grocery too. Are there more classes in our future?
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