During my visit with the grand-darlings we went on a field trip.
A little jaunt up Interstate 35 to the Reiman Gardens
on the beautiful campus of
Iowa State University.
Each summer the garden has a theme that involves a special exhibit.
This years exhibit is the
Nature Connects sculptures.
Sculptures that are built with Lego Bricks!
Here we have the American Bumble Bee...
There are 16, 383 lego pieces in this guy!
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Just outside the Christina Reiman Butterfly Wing is a Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly...
37,481 Lego pieces create this work of art.
Blooming at the entrance to the Antique Rose Garden
is a towering rose
built with 41,242 Legos.
The gardens are in full bloom,
there are many photo opportunities
in front of the beds,
but this little one prefers
the water over the flowers...
this doesn't surprise
his g-ma!
Just checking to make sure we see the pretty water fall...
within a matter of seconds the
flip flops are off
and our pant legs are rolled up!
Time to wet our toes...
you are greeted by the Hummingbird and Flower display.
(31,565 Lego pieces)
And though it is one of the smaller displays,
I would have to say this is my favorite...
3 little Goldfinches hanging from a feeder.
Notice the seed in the feeder is Lego pieces!
Moving along,
we approach Lake Helen...
The water lilies are putting on quite the show.
Real ones
Lego ones...
A koi and 5 Water Platter's...
more Lego art.
See the little frog?
It took 530 Legos to piece together
that little frog!
More water?
You guessed it!
Shoes are off,
pant legs rolled...
so much for the pants!
Off they go too!
Time for another little toe-dip!
And all gardens must have a Gardener!
Although, I really am sort of feeling cheated here...
shouldn't it have been a female??
(37,497 Lego pieces)
Miss Avry joined us on this little field trip.
She enjoyed her stroller ride,
fresh morning air,
and snacking on her fingers...
Germinating acorn...
A Common Green Darner Dragonfly...
Approaching the prairie portion of the gardens...
The prairie is home to a display of various birdhouses made by Iowa artisan.
Here are a couple of my favorite birdhouses.
An eight sided barn...
complete with a tiny quilt
encased within the haymow door.
And another favorite...
An apartment for birds!
An apartment for birds!
Grazing up on a little bluff that overlooks Strafford Gardnen is the Bison.
A bison and her calf!
Take note of the bird perched on the mother...
This display uses the most Lego pieces.
Over 70, 000 Legos and hours upon hours to create!
a Lego lawnmower!
This ends our field trip.
It made me want to go home and play with Legos!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The creator of this traveling exhibit is Sean Kenney,
and his five person staff.
To learn more about his amazing work,
you can visit his website at
There are a couple of sculptures that I didn't get pics of...
you can view them all on his website.
Have a good weekend everyone,
Love your pictorial trip. The sculptures are amazing. Thanks.
wow very lovely pictures..
thank you for sharing xxx
I really enjoyed all the Legos lol. Your grand children are just adorable. Thank you for sharing,
love Annette
Thanks for sharing your pics with us. I really enjoyed seeing all those Lego sculptures. Amazing!
Fabulous field trip, thanks for sharing.
wow the place looks awesome! Lego heaven! Lookslike a wonderful time.
Loved your Lego field trip. The pieces are amazing.
My son, now 35, loved Legos when he was a child and young teenager so I checked out the website you mentioned. I even ordered the Lego alphabet book for his young son.
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