See, I do read my comments!! In Margaret's (of the French Bear blog) comment; she asked, "what's in the crock pot?". Well I was feeling immensely organized & energized this morning, so I thought I'd put together a dish in the crock pot for lunch. Aren't crock pots the best thing since sliced bread? There is just a teensy comfort-factor, knowing that tis only 8:00 in the morning and lunch is already fixed...totally makes me feel like Betty Crocker or even maybe Martha Stewart! No not really... just love the fact that I can sit and stitch to the aroma of lunch cooking, without spending half of the morning in the kitchen.
Today's meal from the crock pot was, Angel Chicken. A recipe taken from the current issue of the Midwest Living Magazine. This issue features the Top Ten slower cooker recipes from all of it's issues. Now how could anyone pass up a headline such as that? Not me, so after thumbing through a few of the pages of it...into the shopping cart it goes.
Did I ever tell you I am the biggest S.U.C.K.E.R. when it comes to grocery shopping? I would surely make a wonderful "lab rat", if you will, for any food product test marketing campaign. I mean, if it is cute, if it is a pretty color, if it is miniature-ized, or even just the word NEW on the is on it's way into my shoppin' cart.
Let me show you...

Into the cart, a bag of these go. Do I like pears, you ask? Not particularly. Just thought they were pretty. Love that color yellow...would like to paint my kitchen this color of yellow some day, with white wood-work trim...
And plus, I thought these pretty little Chinese Ya Pears would take a pretty little picture. You never know when you might need or want a picture of three pears... I've titled this photo, "the three pears". I've Photo-Shopped the title to the side of the photo in French... Why? Do I speak French? No. I should with a name like Gervais... but rather, because I think french writing has a certain romantic flair to's just pretty!
Now honestly, how cute is this little her sweet little pink peasant-styled dress with her arms loaded with grains? S.U.C.K.E.R for pretty packing...into the cart it goes. Who could resist this darling packaging?? Do I have a recipe in mind for these? No, just liked the packaging... Are you seeing a trend here, folks? *sigh*
I mean, look at these? Aren't these little angel hair pasta nests the cutest things you ever did see??
So where am I going with this post? Let me stop and think... Oh yea, Martha wants to know what was in my crock pot. See those cute little pasta nests? Remember that Midwest Living magazine, the one with the headlines that got me? The one with the Angel Chicken recipe in it...
That's what was in our crock pot! Served upon those "cute little pasta nests". The dish was delicious and I'm renaming it "Chicken upon her Nest"...

4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves (it seems that all of our local chickens seem to be well-endowed as of late ...if you know what I mean, so I cut each breast in half lengthwise...making for a smaller portion)
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 8 oz. package fresh button mushrooms, quartered
1/4 cup butter
1 - .7 oz envelope of Zesty Italian dry salad dressing mix
Can of mushroom soup
1/2 of an 8 oz. tub of cream cheese spread with chives & onions
1/2 cup white cooking wine
sliced green onions to garnish
(**Note - the recipe also calls for 6 oz. of fresh Shitake mushrooms, stems removed and caps sliced. I chose to omit these. The dear husband doesn't like mushrooms you see...he would have flipped out if he had that many mushrooms to pick out. He refers to them as "boogers"...)
In a large skillet, brown chicken on both sides in hot oil over medium heat. In crock pot cooker, add mushrooms to the bottom and top with browned chicken. In a medium saucepan, melt butter;stir in Italian dressing mix. Stir in mushroom soup, cream cheese, and white wine, until cheese is melted; pour over chicken.
Cover; cook on low-heat setting for 4 hours. Serve chicken and sauce over angel hair pasta. Sprinkle with green onions.
I love this recipe! I have made this for our family several times over the past years and I love it over brown rice! You should try it...Smiles
Glad Margaret asked. That recipe sounds delish!
I thought I was reading about myself in this post, I have always said I am a marketers' dream. I love the cute, new and miniature size things as well! I have seen and purchased those new little Reese's, yum-yum. I will have to try to locate the little cookie and cream drops and give them a try.
I can relate to your shopping style. I am nototious for spending too much time in the grocery store. Thank you for sharing the crock pot recipe...sounds delicious! I've added the ingredients to my grocery list.
That recipe does sound really good. I just bought a new crock pot so I should make this it's first dish. And I love those mini cans and water bottles - so cute.
Well, I am glad I asked!!! This sounds just lovely!!! Here I was baking away and I could have had chicken cooking too.....I am going to try a quick version of it....sorry, I love mushroom boogers, so I may add them!!!! Thanks Brenda, I think this is just the perfect thing for Sunday dinner.
I am a sucker for grocery packaging too....when I was in Scotland, I spent my time searching the grocery stores, ha ha, I loved their packaging and the spices etc that you couldn't buy here.....looks like you have some yummy things that aren't in Canada either!!!!
I want the white chocolate drops!!!
Margaret B
ok...I know now what my dinner will be tomorrow night!!! But, I will be adding the extra mushrooms~~~ If I ever want to know what is new out in the market, I will email you...I think you will know~~ Thanks again for sharing...Faye
I'm a sucker for advertising too especially for mascara. Brand X will makes your eyelashes thicker, longer, most beautiful - think picture of model with the longest and thickest eyelashes here - and it's in my cart but wait... what does the small print say ... 'model is wearing lash enhancers'. Ummm - perhaps I'll give it a miss!
Thanks for sharing your crockpot recipe - it sounds delicious especially with mushrooms added!
you & i would shop well together! bought all those NEW candies yesterday thought little, cute, tasty & no papers don't have to get out of my chair to throw away trash!!!
Hello Brenda,
I loved this really made me laugh! I couldn't have passed up those lovely little pears-and truth be known I'm certain I'll find myself looking for them in the stores. :) The recipe sounds wonderful...thank you for sharing it...and yes, I'll be keeping my eyes open for the magazine too. Just look at what you've started!
Thanks for sharing the recipe. I live in the East, and sometimes the grocery sells Midwest Living; but I don't always pick it up. I haven't seen an issue yet that didn't have great articles.
I think I'm going to have to adopt your way of shopping! It almost makes grocery shopping seem enjoyable! lol!;-) The chicken recipe sounds divine! I'm the mushroom fan... my dh is not... do we see a trend here? ;-)
Recipe looks yummy!!Hope I"ll make this soon.
The cute little pop cans...when I first discovered them in the store, I immediately planned to have these for my grandchildren, which I have none as of yet:(
The candy...My girls and I love the "Cookies and Cream Drops". One bag is never enough. They are the bomb.
The pasta...well, I made a recipe with these nests for my family a while back, which was a huge hit...but for the life of me I can't remember what it was:( I would love to have that sweet girl framed on my wall somewhere in my house!
Your blog...makes me happy.
Thank you:)
Suzanne G.
I forgot the have a wonderful "eye" for photography:)
Like mother, like daughter. :)
Oh how I giggled all the way through the grocery store with you. Not that I do that..on occasion lol. But I normally tell myself, scam, don't look at it, it won't taste like you think it will. I save myself some money this way :). Loved the post!
~♥will havta try the recipe...even with the mushroom boogers! =) LoVe hearing others buy "cute",too sucha sucker for that! will LoVe to find the reeses...hey no wrapper...easier to eat, yummie chocolate & the creme drops look good, too... i bought the box of pasta stars! =) coz i love stars...& the lil' angel was soo pretty! =) saved the box for mebbe a spot in my journal... too funnie...okay, now gotta go & find some chocolate. keep 'em least we saw the sun, 2 dayz in a row here in the bottom corner of ioway! i almost forgot what it looked like! veryyyy chilly, {we call it nippley out!} stitchin' sounds fun since i recieved a box from you! =) hugs & blessings, vikki♥~
Thanks for the great recipe - I made it last night - yummy! I love my crockpot!
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