antique buttons...
making new,
look old...
topping the foot stool...

This is how I spent my did you spend yours?
With thy Needle & Thread,
And just arrived is the ever popular Create & Decorate magazine. If you are into "junking", there is a fun-to-read article in this issue in regards to this.
And lastly, a NEW charm! This charm measures just a wee 3/4" and features a bunny holding an Easter egg. Charm is available in silver or gold.
It's always good seeing the kids. He didn't make the trip home for Christmas, it's been a while since we've seen sometimes pictures have to do. This is the second time the newspaper has used this photo...I'm thinking he should be entitled to some sort of commission from the newspaper folks...don't you think?? At the time he was actually posing for his dad who was going to take his picture. What he didn't know was the newspaper folks were snapping one too! He, his girlfriend and dad had just completed their week long trek, on bike, across the state of Iowa, from Mississippi River to the Missouri River. Living on their bikes during the daytime hours and tenting it in various towns overnight along the route.
And we try real hard to make the pictures of the items we are selling pretty for you...
Just a small tease of a new cross stitch pattern coming your way soon. may want to brush up on your eyelet stitch or for those of you who haven't adventured into the specialty stitches, here is a little tutorial for you. The eyelet stitches in this soon-to-be release pattern are worked over 4 threads on linen (as shown in the diagram on the left). Enter your needle at one, go down at two, up at 3, down at four and so on until your eyelet stitch is complete. With each stitch pull the thread slightly so that the fabric distorts slightly, as it's this tensioning action that creates the holes in the center of each stitch. If you want to neaten or emphasize the central hole you can do so with the end of a small knitting needle. Gently poke the end of the knitting needle into the hole to widen it a little.
Tis going to be a weekend of stitching and putting finishing touches on new designs for me. We are in for a warm up this weekend and then I guess it's back into the ice box for next week.
With thy Needle & Thread,
With this being said, new Easter-spirited patterns coming your way soon...think old-fashioned styled rabbits, Easter Peeps & Easter eggs!
With thy Needle & Thread,
P.S. Question for many of you are guilty of applying blue malted milk eggs to your lips for a smashing blue lipstick??? Come on, fess up...I'm surely not the only one that does this!!
This is just a tiny hint of the 200 different colors available. Watch for this wonderful ribbon, coming soon to
With thy Needle & Thread,
Hmmm...what shall I have for breakfast today? Brrrr...tis a tad bit chilly on the toes here this morning in NW Iowa...
It's snowing huge "goose feather snowflakes" this morning, straight's beautiful. I just want to sit by the window and watch...BUT off to work I must go, as there are orders to fill!
Have a good weekend,
Into the cart, a bag of these go. Do I like pears, you ask? Not particularly. Just thought they were pretty. Love that color yellow...would like to paint my kitchen this color of yellow some day, with white wood-work trim...
And plus, I thought these pretty little Chinese Ya Pears would take a pretty little picture. You never know when you might need or want a picture of three pears... I've titled this photo, "the three pears". I've Photo-Shopped the title to the side of the photo in French... Why? Do I speak French? No. I should with a name like Gervais... but rather, because I think french writing has a certain romantic flair to's just pretty!
Now honestly, how cute is this little her sweet little pink peasant-styled dress with her arms loaded with grains? S.U.C.K.E.R for pretty packing...into the cart it goes. Who could resist this darling packaging?? Do I have a recipe in mind for these? No, just liked the packaging... Are you seeing a trend here, folks? *sigh*
I mean, look at these? Aren't these little angel hair pasta nests the cutest things you ever did see??
So where am I going with this post? Let me stop and think... Oh yea, Martha wants to know what was in my crock pot. See those cute little pasta nests? Remember that Midwest Living magazine, the one with the headlines that got me? The one with the Angel Chicken recipe in it...
That's what was in our crock pot! Served upon those "cute little pasta nests". The dish was delicious and I'm renaming it "Chicken upon her Nest"...
My life seems to rotate around my notes, and note taking. Sometimes, I really could use a note to myself just to remind me where it is that I left my notes...Hate it when that happens.
Here is what you will find my notes written upon these days...
The weavers cloth that surrounds what I am punching...a perfect place for jotting important information! Information that will be needed when it's time to write pattern instructions.
I am currently working on some "everyday" type of patterns. The one in the hoop will be titled "Proverbs 31:13". A favorite verse of mine...This piece will be my largest piece to date, the piece requires a 17"'s a big one folks!
"She seeketh wool and flax & willingly worketh with her hands." - Proverbs 31:13
Also, a cross stitch design featuring this favorite biblical verse is on it's way to my model stitcher. Watch for these new patterns in February sometime.
With thy Needle & Thread,
A buffalo plaid hat, lined with fur from some poor critter...I don't even want to think, know or go there. This hat is equipped with tiny little flaps on the sides to snap up or to leave open...exposing 2 cute little "metal-ish" air vents. I mean this is one special hat folks.