that snow goes "nigh-nigh"?
According to soon-to-be 3 year old grandson Beckham,
when snow melts
it goes "nigh-nigh"...
that is what he told his momma yesterday,
upon going outside
finding that their snow cover had melted.
Grandma loves it
when momma phones her
with these sweet little comments.
It makes being 50 not so bad...
Speaking of snow,
sharing just a little sneak peek
January's Word Play...
the stitching is done
just waiting to be sewn and stuffed.
Thinking this one,
is my personal favorite to date...
The charting of February's was started
over the weekend
this one of course,
will have a Valentines/Love theme.
I'm really enjoying stitching these
love that fact
that they can be completed
in just a week's worth
of casual morning coffee stitching...
Charting and floss selection
is also now completed
for the
Spring Sampler of the Season.
I'm getting a wee bit nervous,
as I don't have the linen needed to start,
may need to push the release date
for this pattern to after the holidays.
Also on the sketch pad
is a design
I'm working on
for the
Piecework Magazine, March/April 2012 issue.
This issue will focus on
tools of the trade...
How our needlework tools
have evolved and their origins.
Should be an interesting read!
One of the tools/forms of needlework focused upon
will be punch needle.
I've been invited to supply the pattern design
for this particular topic.
Also, are you a pincushion maker?
If so, hop on over to
Interweave to
enter their pincushion contest.
Have a good week everyone,