Busy Hands = Happy Heart
With thy Needle & Thread,

Gluegun-burned fingertips, wood stain under the fingernails, coffee stained hands, snippets of threads on my jeans
a needle pinned to my shirt...
don't I look lovely?
This has been my life the past 2 months...
Now that the pattern design process is complete, it is time to get myself whipped into shape before meeting our customers at Quilt Market.
hair cut
lose 20 pounds in 3 weeks...hmmm, probably isn't going to happen!!!
With thy Needle & Thread,
Your new patterns look awesome, anxiously waiting for release.
You truly do awesome work and your designs are just lovely..Have a great rest of the day..
Your new designs are awesome. Have a wonderful week.
I'm sure you look lovely anyway even with the extra pounds and the threads, glue, and wood stains.
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