Late May
Sweet Scents & Serenade
Late May
I'll take a hard copy, please...
My response...
Two day's later...

Dad has now moved to a larger map that his 50 year old eyes can read, our PC. He hops onto google earth and says "how cool is this?" He is now showing me actual photos of some desolate highway that our son is lost on, very reassuring. There aren't even cars on this interstate...
Son keeps calling, dad keeps answering phone, call keeps getting dropped...
Dad is now texting son directions. Mom now needs a Xanax... her lost son is now sending & receiving text messages while driving....something this mother continues to preach to her adult children to never. ever. do.
One message sent to dad, from son, reads - "Tell Mom not to worry"...
Question of the day...
do our twenty-something-year-olds even know there is such a thing as a road map? Would they even know how to use one? Do they still teach how to use a map & how to fold up a map in school?
In the meantime, I will stick with my old, worn & tattered atlas. It will always get me to where I'm going regardless of where I'm at...give me a hard copy, please!
AND one more thing...
are there bears in Wyoming?
A Time to Remember...
Wishing you all a safe & fun-filled Memorial Day,
3 for 2!

Patterns are now uploaded and ready for purchase on our website.
With thy Needle & Thread,
I'm Back!

Our annual visit to Grandma's the day she brought the baby chickens home....our job, dipping their beaks into the water.
One of my favorite pictures of you Erin...the only light in the brooder house was the warm glow of the heat lamps keeping the little chicks warm. You were 21 months old...close to the age of your very own little one. Yep, you do have a bit more hair then Beckham has!
So Erin, it's another birthday that falls during Quilt Market...hate that when that happens!
Dad & I'll be thinking of you as we travel, unload and set up the booth today on this your 30Th birthday. I'll be thinking of the delicious meal Rob is cooking you and that yummy piece of birthday cake piled high with ice-cream & very much wishing I was there.
See you Monday & enjoy your day!
We Love You,
Mom & Dad
Almost there...

BUT, I am almost there, I am almost ready, everything is almost done...
If time allows, I'll post pics of Market check back!
We leave for market in a week from tomorrow, eekkkk!!!
Reminder: Country Stitches will be closed from May 12 - 24Th for final preparations and attendance of the International Quilt Market. You are welcome to shop online during this time, but orders will not ship until I return, unpack and get settled back in on May 25Th.
A nice mix of texture...
With thy Needle & Thread,
It takes a special person...
A patient, named Mom.

Our daughter, Erin, chose this demanding career & we couldn't be more proud of her hard work & dedication. Having a nurse in the family does come in handy...many phone calls with questions ,during my mothers situation, were made to this nurse daughter of ours. Thanks Erin for all your informative and reassuring phone calls during Grandmas hospitalization. I always hung up the phone feeling better after getting a nurses opinion & your words of encouragement...thanks dear!
Here is a special nurse poem I'd like to share with you ~ author unknown.
When the Lord made Nurses He was into his sixth day of overtime.
An angel appeared and said, "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
And the Lord said, "Have you read the specs on this order?
A nurse has to be able to help an injured person, breathe life into a dying person,
and give comfort to a family that has lost their only child and not wrinkle their uniform.
They have to be able to lift 3 times their own weight,
work 12 to 16 hours straight without missing a detail,
console a grieving mother as they are doing CPR on a baby
they know will never breathe again.
They have to be in top mental condition at all times,
running on too-little sleep, black coffee and half-eaten meals.
And they have to have six pairs of hands.
The angel shook her head slowly and said, "Six pairs of way!"
"It's not the hands that are causing me problems," said the Lord,
"It's the two pairs of eyes a nurse has to have."
"That's on the standard model?" asked the angel.
The Lord nodded. "One pair that does quick glances while making
note of any physical changes, And another pair of eyes that can look
reassuringly at a bleeding patient and say,
"You'll be all right ma'am" when they know it isn't so."
"Lord," said the angel, touching his sleeve, "rest and work on this tomorrow."
"I can't," said the Lord, "I already have a model
that can talk to a grieving family member whose child has been
hit by a drunk driver...who, by the way, is laying in the next room uninjured,
and feed a family of five on a nurse's paycheck."
The angel circled the model of the nurse very slowly,
"Can it think?" she asked.
"You bet," said the Lord. "It can tell you the symptoms of 100 illnesses;
recite drug calculations in it's sleep; intubate, fibrillate, medicate,
and continue CPR nonstop until help arrives...and still it keep it's sense of humor.
This nurse also has phenomenal personal control. They can deal with a
multi-victim trauma, coax a frightened elderly person to unlock their
door,comfort a murder victim's family, and then read in the daily paper
how nurses are insensitive and uncaring and are only doing a job."
Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek of the nurse.
"There's a leak," she pronounced.
"I told you that you were trying to put too much into this model."
"That's not a leak," said the Lord, "It's a tear."
"What's the tear for?" asked the angel.
"It's for bottled-up emotions, for patients they've tried in vain to save,
for commitment to the hope that they will make a difference
in a person's chance to survive, for life."
"You're a genius," said the angel.
The Lord looked somber. "I didn't put it there," He said.
Hugs & special thanks to all you nurses out there,
Hands to Work...

With thy Needle & Thread,
Catch a Peak!

A May Day Sampler!

A FREE chart for your stitching pleasure...
Stitch count ~ 151 x 112
Would look lovely stitched on 40 count over 2 threads with an approximate finished size of 71/2" x 5 3/4". A sweet little size to stitch into a little hanging pinkeep to hold old treasures, such as buttons, hat pins & of course a key!
Click here for a printable May Day Sampler 2010 chart.
I think this design would look wonderfully prim on dark linen...Remember...we'd love to see your finished piece so send us pictures & we'll post them right here!
What was your favorite May Basket treat? My favorite was from the Gazda girls, their little cups with pipe cleaner handles were traditionally filled with popcorn, peanuts and pastel mints...yummy, loved that combination of salt & sweets.
"When April steps aside for May,
Like diamonds all the rain-drops glisten;
Fresh violets open every day:
To some new bird each hour we listen."
- Lucy Larcom
Have a good weekend,