I am back home for a day and then I'll go back to relieve one of my sisters...we are taking turns staying there with our Mother. We are hopeful he will be moved closer to home on Monday for skilled care & more rehab.
Many thanks...
I am back home for a day and then I'll go back to relieve one of my sisters...we are taking turns staying there with our Mother. We are hopeful he will be moved closer to home on Monday for skilled care & more rehab.
{The apple of his eye...}
{I rode my bike...}
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{Finally...they are done!}

yes...it is just 127 days until Christmas!
It is time to begin stitching on those holiday gifts or ditties for your own home.
& last of all...
more new jewelry pieces just added to our website for purchase...

With thy needle & thread,
{Turn Greeting Cards into Jewelry}
lots of cards!
Plus a ton of other items I forgot to mention...
If you are ever in the Brainerd area, it is worth a stop! BUT...I would advise leaving the husband at home!
So...I bought a stack of greeting/note cards. I'm pretty certain the lady checking me thought, "My this lady likes to keep in touch with family & friends". Little does she know, this is the lady who stands at Hallmark and can never find thee perfect card...

For those of you who are having as much fun as I making jewelry, from the Patera Jewelry findings, check your local stationer for greeting, note & thank you cards for your new source of paper! Join me in my newest paper addiction...
For those of you who haven't tried this jewelry making thing yet...
give it a try...
so easy & fun...
you'll be amazed!
Lots & lots of new jewelry pieces have been added to our website (under the NEW ITEMS category) for purchase. Supply is limited...don't delay!
Check them out!
have a good week,
Time Flies...

As a child I remember my mother saying "time flies"... never really could understand that statement as a youngster.
Time to take a barefoot stroll through the gardens...
Time to pick a bouquet of flowers...
Time to look for a furry caterpillar...
Time to watch for monarchs hanging on milkweed...
Time to listen for the singing cicadas...
Time to enjoy what is left of the summer...
You were right mom,
time flies...
A visit to the farm...
My name is Beckham and I am 8 months old...soon to be 9. I am filling in as a guest blogger for Grandma Brenda today as she is busy with design work...whatever that is!
We pulled into Great grandma & grandpa's driveway and oh my...
there were bright & shiny tractors everywhere!
There were red tractors, orange tractor, yellow tractors & green tractors...I didn't know grandpa's still played with tractors...that is pretty cool!

There was even a tractor parade!

They drove the old tractors around the big tent and each person explained their tractor.
Here is great grandpa Lyle talking about his tractor...
See that twinkle in his eye...same twinkle he has when I come to visit!

I like how grandpa wears his shirt...I wear mine this way sometimes too!
Here is what makes a threshing bee a threshing bee...

My mommy says I can help pitch bundles of oats into the machine when I get big & strong.
Momma says I can jump into the pile of straw when I get older too...
These threshing bees are lots of fun! There were a lot of grandpa's farming the old fashioned way so young ones like me can see how things were done way back when...
There was more then just threshing at great grandpa's farm.
There were lots of people...
There was lots of food...bratwurst, hamburgers, beans & potato chips AND
I couldn't seem to take my eye off of the man in charge of cutting the watermelon...

He had a continual stream of watermelon juice dripping from his chin...
Just like me...except mine is drool...mommy keeps telling me it's just because I am teething.
This threshing is hard work to begin with and then it had to be 100 degrees out...
So I just took my shirt off and that made it way cooler...not sure why no one else thought of this!

I brought my Canon digital camera so I could take lots of pictures for Grandma's blog...
I felt like the paparazzi....
I took pictures of people that slept in a tee pee. They were dressed in funny costumes and cooked their meals in a big black kettle over a fire. They make peach cobbler over the fire and well if anyone knows me...they know I LOVE my peaches!

I took pictures of a grandpa making rope.

There were people making wrought iron tools...

And the best part of the threshing bee were the animals in Grandpa's grove...

There were pens of cute little kid goats...just my size!

They had baby size horns on the tops of their fuzzy little heads...

There was a pen of donkey's...or are they mules?? Hmmm...I always get those confused.
And then there was my favorite...a pen of sheep!

Well I'm rubbing my eyes, it must be nap time...
so I had better wrap this story up...
I'm looking forward to next year...
when I won't have to be so dependant on Mommy & I can run through Great Grandpa Lyle's grove in my striped bib overalls...

Give-a-way winner!

Congratulations....Margaret in NY!
Margaret please email me at order@countrystitchesonline.com with your address.
Thanks everyone for participating in this little give-a-way! I was surprised to hear that several of you like to stitch on or near the water for perfect lighting....will need to give this a try sometime on our lake. I also spent some time enjoying the blogs of those participating too...thanks!
with thy needle & thread,
Pop! goes the weasel...

Here is the verse as printed in 1858...
Cows, Corn...and a give away too!

& milk cows (AKA Holsteins)...

& cows without horns...

& another cornfield...

& corn field being irrigated...

with thy needle & thread,
The view from hotel window....

Vacation's over...
After the car ride up to the Continental Divide, we took a hike to the top...and I use the term "we" very loosely here!
Eventually my fear of heights won over and I told the rest to go on as I was going to take some pictures of some wild flowers that I spotted...good excuse I thought!

The weather at Loveland pass was a chilly 4o degrees when we got out of the car (I was not dressed warm enough). While we were there a weather system moved in with rain & wet snow.

I noticed son Matthew spotted a patch of remaining snow. I knew exactly what he was up to....lets throw a snowball at Mom!
Don't ever under estimate the zoom on your mothers camera!
I witnessed the whole scenario and got pictures as evidence...

Once he realized I was no longer taking pictures of flowers & new exactly what he was up to, it was onto plan B...let's nail dad with a wet snowball!

The guys did finish their 80 mile alpine bike ride without any mishaps or cardiac arrests. It took them around 8 hours to complete the ride & now I can check this off my "worry list", as my darling husband would say!
have a good week,