
Watching Grass Grow???

Well... Agassi must have been a good boy,
because Santa
brought him Kitty Grass Kits
for Christmas.
Agassi loves kitty grass...

I planted Agassi's grass for him
and found a nice sunny spot for his grass to grow in,
on the end of our kitchen table,
near the big sunny window...
placement of grass was
unbeknownst to this fur child (so I thought). 

  Upon returning home from the grocery store yesterday,
with my soup-makin' goodies,
 this is what I found
sitting on my kitchen table ...
Agassi always always practices good kitty manners
stays off the counters
and kitchen table...   
and if those big blue eyes could talk,
I just know they were telling me,
I'm just
simply watching
my  grass grow...

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Thanks You for all your get- well wishes!
  Sounds like everyone in blog land has had this crud.
Why shoot, 
if we didn't all live in all the corners of the world,
I would have invited
you all over
for hot tea and honey.  
We could have sat around
blown our red noses together!!!

The chicken soup was delicious, 
I enjoyed it by myself 
as the dh is out of town on business.
I had some leftover cream from the holidays, 
so I added it to the broth
and turned it into creamy chicken noodle soup...yummers! 

The sore throat is better,
I'm just now to the coughing stage...
you know,
can't get it up,
can't get it down!
Feels like I have a hunk of gunk, the size
of Rhode Island, residing in my throat...
other then that
I think I might survive!
Have a good day,


  1. I hope your "gunk" goes down soon...I love this beautiful kitty...he's such a pretty boy.

    Feel better.

  2. Agassi is absolutely adorable watching his grass grow :-).

  3. I was wondering about this grass--when my cat eats the grass outside she throws up but I assume this is easier on their tummies! Beautiful kitty! Mine could use some of lessons on good manners from him.

  4. aww cute picture..
    love for you both of you
    cucki xx

  5. HeeHee cute picture and I am from Rhode Island get better soon :) Donna

  6. Stop it! with the creamy chicken soup! That sounds Devine. I may have to try kitty grass for my little Chewy, I bet she would like it.

    Happy New Year!

  7. Im battling that some crud in Bama!! I love Agassi watching his grass grow!! lol Take care of yourself...

  8. That darling, darling, Agassi is one of the cutest kitties I've ever had the pleasure of e-meeting (shhh...don't tell my two I said that....) I need to find out where you get those little grass growing kits - I'm sure my Sasha would "eat it up" - he's constantly chewing on my plants - and even my fake greens...don't think he'd be as patient as sweet Agassi and just "watch it grow." Hope you're feeling better soon. Smiles ~ Robin (No hugs this time - don't want to catch whatever it is you have!!) Robin

  9. What a big beautiful blue eyed boy he is. I have a tiny little siamese named Sopie. She brings me joy and laughter with her antics on a daily basis. A good day to you and God Bless.


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