

Sipping hot green tea & honey
making homemade chicken noodle soup
were not on my list of things to do
during this time away from work,
vacation from work,
or whatever you want to call it...

I seemed to have caught the sniffles that were going around the family at Christmas time...
sore throat, body aches, sinus gunk,
an overall feeling of 

I'm hoping the chicken soup simmering on the stove will work wonders and I'll be good as new
in the morning...

who has a kleenex stuck up her nose to stop the dripping so she can type...


  1. I hope you feel better soon, so you can enjoy some fun, rest time.


  2. Thanks for the visual Brenda!! Haha. I DO wish you over this as soon as possible! With hope that your Happy New Year starts without this cold!!

  3. That chicken soup looks yummy, I am sure it will help your sniffles. Feel better soon!


  4. Feel better soon! That is just your body telling you to take a well deserved rest.

  5. Been there, done that, Brenda. I truly hope you're feeling better before you go back to work. Chicken soup sounds delicious! Enjoy!

  6. right there with you Brenda...I seem to have picked something up too...sore throat, drippy nose, drippy eyes...
    have to be careful stitching.

  7. I hope you feel better soon but I have to agree with Patty, the visual cracked me up!! thanks, I needed that!


  8. Can't tell you how many folks I know have come down with this same bug recently. I have been able to avoid it so far. I do hope you feel better soon.

  9. Brenda
    I hope you feel better soon. I just got over all that. You need to get better so your head is clear for designing....

  10. I was just telling my co-worker I must have caught my sniffles from going out shopping two days before Christmas. The stores are just a petri dish of germs this time of year. Hope you are on the mend soon. Your soup looks scrumptious, if my nose was not so stuffy, I could almost smell it. Hehehe. Try to enjoy the rest of your time off.

  11. Hi Brenda, There must be a lot of it going around. Your Chicken soup looks yummy and I hope you feel better. I have to have hubby down to the city for a doctor visit so it will be two appointments instead of one. There is so much of it going around right now regardless of where you live. Hope you feel better. A belated Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Your Missouri Friend.

  12. Feel better soon. I have the same yucky muck. As I sniffle & cough, Here's to tea, soup and a lot of rest!!

  13. It takes a while to recovery from this one...so just relax and take care.

  14. Hope you are feeling better soon. I have the same thing going on in my nose & head. I have went through a box of tissue in 2 days..

  15. Chicken soup heals everything! Please feel better soon so you can enjoy a little time off.


  16. i hope you feels better soon..
    love the sweet mug.
    hugs for you
    cucki xx

  17. ohhhh bless .. sorry to hear you are not feeling good .. but the image of you with tissue up nose did make me giggle ... and the soup looks yummy .. may have to come over for some ;)
    love mouse xxxx


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