
February's Word Play

is here!
The printing is done,
my office is lined with stacks of them everywhere
I must admit,
I love the smell of freshly printed patterns...

  The weekend will be spent packaging
so we can begin shipping next week.

A word about floss kits for this 12 month series...we will stock a particular month's floss kit for 2 months.  Currently we are selling floss kits for December, January and February.  November kit will fall off as soon as we are sold out of them (only a couple remain).  When March's pattern releases, the December floss kit will fall off and so on down the line.    So...if you want floss kits for these, do not delay!

We will have full and partial floss kits for the February Word Play.  The partial floss kit is for those of you who have already purchased flosses for the October, November, December and January kits...you then will not need to purchase all of February's flosses.  If you are just jumpin' on the Word Play bandwagon and haven't done all of the months, you will want to purchase a full floss kit.

I am also receiving questions about auto-ships...
there is no auto-ship available for this series.

Country Stitches' shipping 
is closed through January 2nd.
  We'll be back to shipping orders on the 3rd of January,
for those of you who placed orders,
during the holiday shut-down. 

Happy New Year everyone,


  1. A very Happy New Year to you and your family. Thank you for wonderful designs.

  2. So lovely design! *.* Happy new year to you and my best wishes!

  3. I enjoy reading your blog but I have trouble reading the words because they fade in and out. I wish you would change the font type.

  4. Happy New Year to you and all your crew!!...Loved the pictures of your kitty! I see that the Decorah Eagle's Nest is full of snow! Have had such fun following the eagles since you introduced them to us. Stay warm, hope your cold is better!

  5. Oh, I love February's Word Play! I will definitely be ordering it. For some reason, when I clicked on the photo to get a better (bigger) look, I only got the dreaded red X. Maybe it is just my computer??

  6. Really lovely pattern for S. Valentine!
    Happy new year !

  7. aww so sweet..i love it..
    happy new year deary..
    big hugs cucki xx

  8. Avery sweet word play! I am looking forward to seeing your final march pattern.

    Happy New Year!

  9. absolutely adore the Feb. word play chart.
    Happy New Year

  10. I just discovered this series last month and can't tell you how much I love them! I have the first 3 patterns and the rest on order! Thank you! Happy New Year!


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