Guess it's carry out tonight...
Kitchen creations...
Guess it's carry out tonight...
Green & Luscious...
resting ever so peacefully upon wild violet petals...
And a spring-time favorite of mine ~
Lily of the Valley beginning to unfold their little white spring-time bonnets...
More pretty little wild violets ~
with tiny brush strokes of pink upon their petals...
No spring would be complete without picking a little tussy mussy of my
dear Lily of the Valley ~
Carefully tucked into a tiny Brambly Hedge creamer pitcher...
The smell is fabulous.
Tea anyone?I now feel refreshed
once again inspired by nature...

ready to begin
my day
of needlework design.
With thy Needle & Thread,
Bonnie's been busy...

an antique funnel for the "Guardian Angel" base.
Great finishes Bonnie...thanks for sharing!
Antique bases for punch needle designs has become our signature. Watch for new punch needle pattern designs, coming soon, featuring antique bases!!
With thy Needle & Thread,
What a greeting...
I was greeted by my

by my ever favorite

a new plant planted last spring
(whose name escapes me...anyone know?)

The crab apple trees and red buds will be in full bloom by weeks end. Everything is blooming a bit earlier this year. These trees usually bloom here around Mother's Day Weekend, so we are a bit early. With the blooming of these trees comes the arrival of the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks and Baltimore Orioles. I'm off to buy some safflower, fresh oranges and grape jam to welcome these springtime visitors of ours...must be ready for them when they arrive!
My most favorite time of year...soon to be here in a day or so!
Have a good week,
The changing of the guard...

(this is the sign that greeted me at the end of the lane the day of dad's accident...I read it, noticed the "s" was backwards, I took a picture & then I cried.)
Wish me luck!

Watch for these new releases around the end of May!
Fly away home...
Truth be told, I don't even know how to set our alarm clock...
The alarm when off at 4:00 am and I was off to get ready and then make the trip to the hospital. My mother had been told a few days earlier she had cancer, my mind was occupied on this morning as I showered. I kept thinking all of these "what ifs"...
I'm curling my hair, trying to see myself in the mirror through big crocodile tears...I am scared about everything that is going to happen on this day.
I put my glasses on to get a better look...
It was a ladybug.

Not just any lady, this was the big fat type that we don't see too many of anymore. The type we saw when we were little kids...not the stinky Asian Beetles that have now become our lady bugs.
I immediately thought what my Mother would tell us as youngsters. In the early springtime, we'd find these in the windowsills of our old farmhouse. Being frightened of them, Mother would tell us not to harm them as they would bring us good luck.
A sense of calmness came upon me immediately...
I felt better now that I had a visit from this sweet little ladybug!
I just stood there and watched it crawl up towards the mirror.
Not realizing that I carried my phone into the bathroom with me, I looked down on the counter and saw my phone. I knew I had to share this sign of good luck with my sister's and dad at the I snapped a picture.
I never take my cell phone into the bathroom with me...let alone taking pictures with it, in the bathroom of all places! But this morning was different...
My mother was full of various superstitions, folklore, old wives tales...whatever you want to call them. She had many more then just the ladybug good luck story. Each New Years Day morning she calls to wish us a "Happy New Years" and to remind us not to eat chicken on this day. She tells us the story of how chickens scratch backwards in the dirt and if you eat chicken on this day you will go backwards all year! This has been an annual phone call my whole entire married life & still love getting this call...she's so cute!
Mom has now been home from the hospital for almost a week, getting stronger with each passing day. My sisters & I are taking turns staying with my parents to cook meals, do laundry & take her to her doctor appointments. My turn begins midweek...looking forward to spending time at home and perhaps I might even share my ladybug story with Mom...
I don't have any life-time experiences to share with you in regards to my Mother's "Chicken on New Years theory" yet, but have thought about this ladybug quite a bit these past 3 plus weeks. Her recovery has been sort of a bumpy road. When we hit a bump in the road, I say a little prayer & think of the ladybug on my bathroom wall...
Have a good week,

and start all over again...

So pleased to see them all nicely placed in their own special spot in the shed!
We'd push the little button to make their light come on
hook up a load of freight...

he's the cheeky one!

What a wonderful way to spend these last days...
Thanks Beckham, Grandma had a blast!

It was time for Grandma Julie to take her turn with you for a couple of days, so this Grandma loaded up her suitcase and camera and headed northward...
"There two they're four they're six they're eight
Enjoy your weekend,
Going Home...
With a mother named Yezebel
a father name X-Gigolo...
Valdani would probably have worked, right??
His name
He was born in the year of the A, not the year of the V.

hunting down & chasing my Valdani floss...
He is very good at batting & chasing down these cute little balls, so Agassi isn't such an inappropriate name, would you say? Who would have known he would grow up to be so talented...
After his late-night games of Valdani tennis is over, he places them so proudly in his food dish. This is what I wake to...him running to his food dish to point out yet another victory.
Score: Agassi 2, Human Mom 0.
As hard as I try to "put away" my floss, some nights its late & i'm feelin' sort of "punchy" after an evening of punching and I'm a bit too tired to put them away & it becomes more of a hide them thing, out of reach of his big white furry mittens...
so I hide them under a magazine, under a newspaper, sometimes up on the mantle, or I place my hoop over them...
He knows all my hiding spots.
How does a cat get the name Agassi you are wondering?
Agassi is a Birman cat (Color - Seal). He is a semi-long haired, 11+ pound boy with cute little white gloves and laces up his back legs. We purchased him from a wonderful breeder here in Iowa. He was born in the year of the A. All Birmans are named according to the year in which they're born. In one year, all Birmans are named with the same letter of the alphabet. In the U.S. cats born in 2003 names begin with an A; 2004 is a letter B, and so on...making it easy to know the age of the Birman. This tradition, like its breed name, is French in origin.
Still you are wondering why Agassi? Agassi's human dad loves to watch tennis & was a huge Andre Agassi fan...hence the name & so fitting for this furry feline of ours!
Spending my day doin' punch needle & keepin' an eye on my Valdani floss,
Happy Easter!
Easter Blessings to you & yours,
Time Flies...
Important Cargo...
Have a Blessed Easter weekend,