
Music to my ears...

It's a beautiful spring morning here today in NW Iowa,


our backyard summer visitors have arrived

they are hungry


that means oranges & grape jelly

are added to my shopping list...

a small favor for what I get in return...

the song and chatter that comes through my screen door is priceless...

music to my ears!

Enjoy the day,



  1. Good morning,

    Please tell me more about feeding the birds grape jelly. I've not heard that before.

    I enjoy reading your blog every day.


  2. You are so lucky- We have tried to attract Orioles, but they don't seem to come. Sometimes late in the summer we get a group of juvenilles, but they don't have the bright orange feathers yet. Right now we have some Indigo Buntings and Rose-breasted Grosbeaks, but they usually pass through in the Spring and move on their way. Love all the birdies!

  3. Wow, are those beautiful. I think I've only seen a Baltimore Oriole once. I don't know if there would be any hope of attracting them or not - Cleveland area. I'll have to do some research.

    I see the leaves popping out by the eagles' nest. Makes one feel good.


  4. Beautiful birds! The birdsong is such a joy to hear!

  5. I have a friend that buys jarsssss of grape jelly for her Orioles here in Wisconsin. Your pics are beautiful. ;-)

  6. Hello,
    I get Orioles here at my house and always put out oranges for them. However, I have never heard of the grape jelly treat. Do you dilute it or just put a dish of it out as is? That will be added to my grocery list. Thanks so much for the tip. Hope you have a grand day!


  7. Hi,Brenda...
    I love opening the blogger to your blog first, I never know what I'll read! You are certainly very lucky to hear "tweet" music. We have a woodpecker of all things who has decided to take up residence in our back yard. He was actually here before us, I think, I just spotted a BUNCH of holes in our nicest maples and oaks, he's a real terror. He wakes us up at daybreak. If I didn't love birds and animals so much, I don't know what I'd do.Luckily for him, we'll never know!
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  8. Wonderful shots of the orioles! They're beauties, aren't they? Smiles ~ Robin

  9. Usually I catch a glimpse of an Oriole in the spring, never to be seen again. This year they stayed and are eating my peanut suet and oranges. I'll have to try the grape jelly and maybe some orange marmalade!

  10. oh wow........gorgeous!!!!!! I have one pair of orioles & I thought that was fantastic...I cannot imagine as many as you have!!!
    I make my own grape jelly each fall, so mine get homemade grape jelly when they show up in the spring!

  11. Don't you just love that liquid, burbling sound they make!

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures!

    Mary in MN


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