
Grape Jelly????

In regards to yesterday's post, pertaining to the grape jelly...

I feed it, as is, straight from the jar. Both orioles (Baltimore & Orchard) and Robins love grape jelly. One of my feeders (see yesterday's post) holds two oranges with a small cup for placing the jelly into.

And I leave you with a few more pictures...
The bottom two were taken from my kitchen, through the screen door so they aren't as sharp as I would have liked, but I was afraid to open the door in fear of startling them. The photo on the left you will see both the Baltimore Oriole and a Orchard Oriole (upper left hand corner). The yellow one with the black bib is a first year male Orchard Oriole. They make lots of chatter when at the feeder, but seem to settle down once they realize there is p-l-e-n-t-y to go around for everyone.

A simple S-Hook with oranges threaded on it is another great way to feed oranges. The Orioles seem to like to cling when they feed. This particular S-Hook is about 2 feet away from my back door. The females are way less skittish & nervous, allowing my to slowly open my screen door and get clearer pics....good girls!
Once their bellies are nice and full, they will settle into the tall cottonwood trees that line the edge of our lake, as their nesting place. We then enjoy their song, once again, on our summer-time walks around the lake.

The orioles arrive in our yard just as the blooming trees are setting on their buds. I usually hear the Orioles before spotting them. They have a beautiful song. It is at that time that the oranges and jelly get hung. The feeders also get switched over to pure safflower to attract the Rose-Breasted Grosbeaks...there were 4 of them hanging from the feeder this morning when I awoke.

Off to take some more pictures...the Grosbeaks are calling,


  1. I too was wondering about the Jelly. Thanks for the update. We have a tree loaded with oranges, wish I could send them off to your birds.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  2. I love the photos - beautiful!

  3. I jsut may have to try the oranges for our birds...I know butterflies like them too.

  4. The birds will have to fight me to get my grape jelly LOL....just kidding. What a great idea. We normally don't see many orioles here. I bet if I put some out with the oranges we just might. Have to try it. Thanks, Jeanie

  5. I love reading our post about the grape jelly to attract the birds. The girls in my sewing group are always talking about their birds loving the grape jelly. I had never heard about the idea, but it obviously is a favorite for them!

    Recently, I discovered some of your designs in my LNS, and have just finished "Easter Frills"....I just need to finish filling it and sewing on the ribbon frilly trim. Love your designs!

  6. Great pictures !!! And.... I am wondering about the Mystery Sampler :-) Will it come out soon? I was hoping to see a picture on your blog of the first part soon !! :-)

  7. lovely pics of the birds :) I can't seem to get a good one of my visitors to my garden :( do all birds like oranges then ??? love mouse xxxx


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