
My weakness...

Recipe. Web. Sites.

Do you visit recipe websites? If so, share your favorites with us...I'd love to have a few more to visit! My new favorite food website is simplyscratchrecipes.com . Like I don't have any cookbooks or cooking magazines...(said with sarcasm)

I made two recipes this weekend from Simply Scratch Recipes. The dip I've made before and the chicken salad was my first try....it gets a smiley face! Oh and the dip, it already got a smiley face! Don't you love it when you try a new recipe and it's worthy of a smiley face?

Do you have a NCCA Hoop Finals party plannned or invited to one? This dip would be a nice goodie to nibble on while watching the game. The crisp triangular Triscuit is my favorite cracker for this dip.

8 oz. Cream Cheese, Softened

3/4 cup mayonnaise

1/2 tsp fresh cracked black pepper (be sure to set your pepper mill on coarse...this is what makes this dip)

3 whole scallions (or green onions) sliced using white and green portions

3 oz. green Spanish olives, sliced

4 oz. black olives, sliced

8 oz. Monterrey Jack cheese, grated

Triscuit crackers for serving

Add cream cheese, mayo and pepper into a medium bowl and mix until blended. Add in the chopped green onions, olives and grated cheese; fold in until all are incorporated. Put into a serving dish and serve with crackers. Keeps for up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Makes 2 cups.

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Don't you love spring & summer time cooking? It's so nice to put away the casseroles and ready up for some nice light spring time salads. Or girl food, as I call it. Saturday's lunch at the Gervais household was this wonderfully easy salad. Don't you love easy?


1 cup mayo

4 teaspoons apple cider vinegar

6 tsp. honey

1 teaspoon poppy seeds

salt & pepper to taste


1 rotisserie chicken from the super market (cut into bite sizes) Allow to cool.

2 oz. pkg lightly toasted whole pecans, then coarsely chopped

1 cup small red grapes, sliced in half

2 celery sticks (chopped)

Mix dressing ingredients and store in airtight container in your fridge to refrigerate. Upon serving, combine salad ingredients and add chilled dressing before serving. Serve on a bed of baby romaine leaves or on a croissant.

I'm so sorry that these recipes aren't low-cal in nature...hummmm....why is it that it's the bad stuff that always tastes so good??? (sigh)

Enjoy, Brenda


  1. these both sound so yummy ....TFS Jill

  2. I love recipe sites and haven't seen this one. One of my new favorites, since I've been dieting, is Ginas Skinny Recipes. I're tried a couple and they're really good. I have quite a few listed on my blog if you'd like to look. Another one is Lick the Bowl Good.

  3. I too have a weakness for recipe sites. You are so correct! This one is awesome! Thank you for mentioning it. How does a person decide where to visit on the internet when there is limited time and so many amazing places to visit!?!?!? :0)

  4. Agreed, too many good and interesting places to visit and I have a cabinet full of cookbooks and ripped out magazine pages with recipes on them. But I love looking at recipes online. I particularly like allrecipes.com. All their recipes are reader rated so you can kind of weed out what probably isn't good. I have found some of my most treasured recipes there. Happy Cookin'

  5. Hi,Brenda -
    Yes to the recipe web sites. Two blogs I follow that are terrific
    are FOR THE LOVE OF COOKING (blog)and LYNDASRECIPEBOX (both .blogspot.com
    The archives are unbelievable at For The Love,I just started following Lynda's and haven't had the time.The chicken salad recipe you have is just like one my girlfriend gave me in 1988 except she said use walnuts. Either way, it is super delicious chicken salad. Thanks for sharing!
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., WesternMA

  6. Brenda,
    Do you have the link to see the "eaglets"? I clicked on the pic
    from the post on your blog but
    I just get MTV. I don't know
    what I'm doing wrong (I'm computer challenged!). I saw the little
    flufflets on your post and I melted.
    Thanks if you can let me know.
    Always Best Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA


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