

The first eaglet has hatched!

I missed it?

Did you?

I get up with the birds in the morning, therefore I usually retire with them in the evening. This eagles nest has just become my screen saver...always open...for graphic purposes I use two monitors. I told the dh before I went to bed last evening that if the egg starts to hatch to wake me up. He looked at me like I was cracked!!

Let's just say he's not as into this as I....

So I awoke this morning at 6 AM to find this little bundle of downy fluff...

oh mercy me...isn't it cute??? In just 6 short weeks it will be the size of it's parents...


Have a good weekend everyone,



  1. Brenda ~ this is WONDERFUL ~ thank you so much for sharing!

  2. I didn't see #1 hatch, but got to see some really cute views of it before the site went down.

    I hope we get to see more. I can't just quit watching cold turkey just when things were really getting good!


  3. OH I think all births are fun and special, and yes he is adorable.
    Teresa's Heartfelt Stitches

  4. Hi Brenda,
    I had my eye on it all day yesterday and I missed the hatching too. That little fuzz ball is so cute! I'm looking forward to see the others hatch.
    Enjoy your day,

  5. Awwww....I watch an eagle cam in WV, but they didn't have a good outcome this year. I'm glad to see your little bobblehead eaglet.

  6. Yeppers, I missed it!!


  7. I stayed up late and am on the west coast, but I still missed the hatching. Saw the little cutie for a bit this morning...so adorable! I cringe when the mommy/daddy sit back down on the eggs and worry that they are suffocating the little one! I shouldn't question their parenting skills, since they act on instinct and seem to do better than we humans who have numerous sources for parenting advice and still manage to screw things up!

  8. I missed the little eagle hatching, but just watched the mother feed it some rabbit meat, you were right they must enjoy their meat well aged. It is just precious! Julie

  9. Brenda, I too am addicted to watching the eagles' nest. It is truly amazing. I missed the hatching, but saw Mom/Dad moving around to get comfy this morning and you could see the eaglet perched underneath. The camera zoomed in, but the picture quality on my laptop wasn't terrific that close up. I have my sister and a few friends watching as well. Thanks for introducing me to the site!

  10. We're watching on two computers in our house and loving it. Thanks for telling us about them.

  11. I've been watching for DAYS. So hooked on the web cam site.

    Did you see them feeding the baby eagle? Oh my, very sweet.

    thx for sharing your pictures

  12. My 2 and 4 yr. old Granddaughters are watching it along w/ Mommy and Daddy. How nice to see it so up close. My Daughter has it on in her classroom too. The kids love to check in.

  13. Brenda- I was kind of like you. I was up watching until at 1am this morning and then went to bed. Up at 8:30 this morning, rushed to the computer first thing and there it was.
    I did get to see daddy eagle feeding the baby around 7:20 tonight the dead bunny that has been in the nest for the last couple of days. That was cool!
    My mother and I also went to Decorah today to go to Pine Needles up there. Ate at the tea house and met a friend of Bob's the Raptor King, he is the man that is making this all come true with his camera and vision. That was cool too.
    Enjoy the show. Love that you added it as your screen saver. How did you do that on?

  14. Thank you so much for sharing the eagle cam. I didn't see #1 hatch. I have told so many of my friends and I put the web address on my facebook. Wow this is so cool. Maybe tomorrow will be a good viewing day!

  15. #2 is awake now!!! So exciting! This is the best website!

  16. How did you get such great pictures? I think this is so amazing we get to watch this all happen.

  17. To roadtrip*treasures:
    I just simply took a picture of my computer monitor!


  18. OMG, that is just the cutest little chick. Where is this nest located? How do you have such an awesome view of it. what a wonderful joy this must be. Will there be eagle is your next sampler? Heheh We are inspired by our surroundings, at least I am.


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