
White Christmas...

I wouldn't say that I live in Iowa because I love the cold & snowy winters...


I would miss having a white Christmas and awakening to mornings such as this morning.

Hoar Frost...

we awoke this morning to everything candy coated in frost. We only get treated to mornings like this a couple times each winter...

this makes up for all those cold, windy & sub zero days that we put up with.

It's beautiful.

Santa brought me a new lens for my camera...perfect lens for these kinds of mornings. I was able to zoom in close to the little ice crystals of the hoar frost & I'll be able to sneak up on the birds as well. I've always wanted to get into bird photography but never really quite had the right lens for that. Now I do...thanks Santa!!

So I strapped on my boots this morning and with new camera lens in hand, snapped a few pics of our white frosty morning here in Iowa...

Mother nature painted us a beautiful picture this morning...

The morning bird chores have been done, there are plenty of left overs from the holidays...no cooking today. I have a day of stitching planned for today...I am starting the Ann Dickinson sampler today!!

With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. You do such beautiful photography. I really enjoy the pictures you post. These would make lovely Christmas cards. Becky in Georgia (where we had the rare blessing of a white Christmas)

  2. What awesome pictures, Brenda! Michigan didn't quite get that but we did get a dusting (at least SE MI). Love your header- it would make a GREAT Christmas card!
    Happy New Year!

  3. I don't think I have ever seen frost like that. Beautiful pics!

  4. Your photos are awesome!!Detail is super with new lens. Lived in Illinois until 4 yrs ago. Snowy pictures bring back some good holiday memories (some bad commuting memories too) Weather not good here in SW Florida. High winds, no sun & freeze warnings for tonite, but...Great stitching weather.
    Happy, Healthy 2011 to you & your family.

  5. Beautiful pictures...i love how you have them presented.

  6. Simply gorgeous!! Thankfully, we didn't get any snow this Christmas. Last year's snow was enough to last me for a few years. Then again, I'm in Texas and snow is a nasty four-letter word! LOL

  7. BEAUTIFUL !!! Thanks for sharing. Here in Colorado, we feel like we are actually in Florida !! No snow at all, great temperature, and I miss having a white Christmas, so I was glad to see your pictures.

  8. We sent that weather all the way from a cold and frosty and snowy UK.
    Beautiful pictures,
    Warm smiles, Angela.

  9. Thank you for sharing those pictures!!! They are out of this world beautiful!

  10. What beautiful photos! Thanks for sharing them with us. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas with your family.

  11. Such beautiful pictures! Thank you very much for sharing!

    Best wishes,

  12. Beautiful pictures! Life's too short to not enjoy even the chilliest of moments! Happy New Year!

  13. I have enjoyed your frosty pictures! I have been lounging today,I made a yummy roast, potatoes, and green beans for dinner. I have admired your designs, and my wish list would be long! Do you have kits available for some of the punchneedle designs? I didn't see it for some, I most likely overlooked it.
    Have a good evening,

  14. Beautiful pictures! I've never heard it called "horror" frost though. We have always called it hoar frost.

    I love the header picture of the little child carrying the tree on the lamb!

  15. Your pictures are poetic, thanks so much for sharing. Mother Nature is a wonderful thing, we all need to take more time to enjoy what God has given us.
    Happy New Year!

  16. You really captured wonderful winter beauty!

  17. Beautiful pictures! We also had a white I'm curious: what type of lens did you get? Canon/Nikon? Have a blessed New Year!

  18. Beautiful pictures! The hoar frost looks like 'stitches' to me -- can't help it, everything I look at translates into needlework *smile*.

  19. Love the photos Brenda! Hoar frost is my absolute favorite thing. We have only had one morning so far where there was any at all but I a sure we will have lots more before winter is over!
    Have a great day with the new camera!
    Tina xo

  20. I have been following your blog for several months and have many of your designs on my "wish to sew" list. It is so easy to read your blog, always calm, and always something interesting to look at. The snow pictures are beautiful. I live out in the country somewhat here in North Carolina and we have a wonderful dreamland filled with snow. I too like to take pictures of the birds. What kind of camera and lens did you use for the snow crystals?

  21. The photos are beautiful (even our 6-year-old son said that too!). Please do share the type of lens you got. Thanks again for the wonderful post!


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