
My Little Blue Chair...

When our children were small we had a little wooden chair in our dwelling, a chair just their size. Our son Matthew took a liking to the little mustard yellow chair and well let's just say it was his 5Th appendage. He drug the chair around with him from point A to point B,from our humble little apartment out to the play area in the yard, to get from the floor to the counter top, to the box of cereal in the cupboard, from sun up to sun down... Can you visualize this, yet? Yep, pretty much used it to get into things a three year old shouldn't be into. But then there were the sweet innocent moments of him perched on it as he watched is favorite TV show, Mr. Rogers or next to his Daddy's drafting table late at night, watching his Daddy draft.

Then one day, some 25 years ago, in comes a crying Matthew with just a heap of mustard yellow sticks in his arms. There were big crocodile tears and lots of sobbing. The neighborhood bully (who was all of 6 years old) took the chair and broke it against the chain link fence. I'm not sure who was more saddened by the destruction of the little mustard yellow chair...Matthew or I. BUT...we got over it, the kids grew up and our house remained "little chair-less" for many many years.

It was about a year ago I came upon this sweet little chair at the Whistle Stop Country Store. A sweet little store in Elkhorn, Nebraska. It wasn't mustard yellow, but I figured a little blue chair would have to do. I knew it needed to come home with me. A grandma's house needs a little chair, right?

It wasn't until Thanksgiving time that Beckham noticed this little chair, his chair. He discovered bottled water and the little chair on the same visit to grandma's house. He insisted that he should sit on the little chair while he drinks from his very own little bottle of bottled water. A whole new concept of drinking for him. A step up from the sippy cups he uses at home. Always trying to screw the lid back on in between each sip. To be honest with you, he thought he was pretty cool! Not always realizing that you can't hold the bottle side ways and expect the water to stay put. THEN...what we were all waiting for, happened. It happened in slow motion. The chair starts to slide, on the hardwood floors, just as he's taking a seat on his little chair with his bottle of bottled water. The lid is off the water. Kaboom! I & his mother seemed to be glued to our seats. We couldn't get up fast enough...expecting there to be giant crocodile tears, once again. Instead in this cutest little voice he looks up at us & says, "Ohhhhhhh, noooooooo" (in a long & drawn out way, heavy accent on the O and the N). "I okay". "I wipe it up", as he's smearing water on the floor with his sweet little hands. We laughed and laughed, it was so cute. I will never forget this cute little response.

I was shopping on eBay a few days ago and I came upon this sweet little hooked rug. It arrived in the mail yesterday. I knew exactly where this little rug would spend it's winter days...it's a perfect fit for my little blue chair, don't you think? The rug is hooked by Sherry of
"From Sherry's Heart"

Thanks Sherry, I love it! I'm hoping Beckham likes it too...

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today is day 11 of the Home for the Holidays Blog Hop.

Hop on over to Debbie Busy from
Wooden Spool Designs. She has a darling dimensional wool applique mistletoe ball pattern that she is sharing with you all and a wonderful cookie recipe too!


  1. Both stories are so sweet. But the one of the little one trying to wipe up the water. I am sitting here chuckling and swallowing hard too. You see my Mom would get every one of her grandchildren their very own child size rocking chair! My younger brothers also. (I know I had one but somewhere along the line it disappeared. Probably why the younger children got their own.) I don' know how many of her 17 grands still have their chairs.
    Thank you for sharing both wonderful stories.

  2. Hi Brenda! The Whistle Stop is a great little store! I've been there quite a few times. I missed Twinkle night last night, I'll have to email Laurie to see how that went. Love the stories, they are so sweet!!


  3. what great stories! love the rug on the seat. it must be wonderful to be a granny... and to have great memories with your own kids.

  4. Hi Brenda,
    Cute chair!... and an even cuter story! I've admired your designs & patterns for a long time and I love to read your blog posts. I never knew that you had visited our little store! Thank you very much for giving us a mention.
    I'm glad Beckham is enjoying the little blue chair and that he wasn't hurt! That will be a memory to hold on to. If you are ever down again be sure to introduce yourself.
    Hope the Holidays are full of more memorable moments for you and your family.


  6. Awww...what a sweet little story about both boys. Poor Matthew :(
    I'm sure beckham will love the little rug...that snowman is darling.
    Smiles, DianeM :)


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