

in the drive-thru at Taco Johns.

Yesterday's lunch destination was a quick drive thru at Taco Johns. The line was out to the street, everybody in town must have been craving Potato Ole's or Nachos Navidad. So I sat in line and waited my turn. I took note of how terrible my ink stained hands look, how badly my car needs vacuuming, how badly I need a manicure, the South Dakota license plate of the vehicle in front of me, the University of South Dakota sticker in it's window, as I was waiting. After several minutes, I made my way to the pick-up window. The lady handed me my potato Ole's smothered in cheese sauce and told me my meal had been taken care of. I said, "what"? She proceeded to tell me that the gentlemen in the vehicle in front of me paid for my meal and told the clerk to wish me a "Merry Christmas". It stopped me in my tracks...I've never had such a kind gesture from a total stranger before. What a wonderful gift from a person that I have no way of thanking. So this noon hour I shall return to Taco Johns and return this gesture of goodwill.

"Peace on Earth, Goodwill toward men".


  1. the kindness of strangers can bring renewed hope into our hearts, thank you for sharing this lovely story. I have on occasion paid for the meal of a military member when I see them out but I think that today I shall follow in your footsteps and try to lighten the heart of just one person. Perhaps the ripple effect will carry farther than we imagine.

  2. What a kind man. I love it when things happen like that. Thank you so much for sharing. I think that the work you do is so beautiful and your patterns. I am so glad someone blessed you in the way you and your gifted work blesses me.

  3. It sounds like you were the recipient of Hope Epidemic,
    You may want to go there and share your story.
    Wishing you continued blessings!

  4. That really is a kind gesture. There is a radio station here in my town that has been promoting and encouraging these types of acts since about this time last year. It is growing quickly here and we are hearing of this quite often now. It's it great?!

  5. The true spirit of Christmas....you have brightened my day.

  6. Had to read it twice hihi! Reading another language other than my native sometimes make me wondering if I get it right. But I did! What a wonderful and heartwarming story!! One man can make a difference, or one woman for that matter!! Have a great day!

  7. How nice to read of the Christmas spirit in action!

  8. Hi Brenda:
    I absolutely love that story...How super kind and unexpected of that kind gentleman...
    Thanks so much for sharing .. You made my day, Nancy

  9. What a wonderful true meaning of Christmas!!! I am sure you made someone just as happy too! Blessings, Dianntha

  10. That's what Christmas is all about.
    I wish it lasted all year.

  11. I love the story you shared! It reminds me of when my Dad was stationed at Syracuse, NY during the Korean war. He and my Mom were newly married and would sometimes ride the train to New York City and they had very little money. Several times when they just had enough money for the train ride back and no money for lunch, some kind soul would see my Dad's uniform and buy it for them. After all these years, my parents are still thankful for the kindness of strangers. Merry Christmas!

  12. wonderful . . .
    Yes, there is Santa CLaus!

    I love things that renew our faith in people!


  13. What a wonderful gesture and even more wonderful that you are passing it along.


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