
Her name was Phebe

I've had numerous emails
inquiring about the sampler shown
 in my blog banner.

  So since it has been awhile,
 I thought it was time to check in with you all
 and tell you a little bit about the sampler!
  (Please pardon my early morning photos, they are a bit dark)
 For those hunting our website for this chart, there isn't one.
  I have not reproduced this sampler.
 I may someday,
 but for now it sits on top of my piano,
across from where I stitch...
I enjoy the beauty of this Quaker sampler every day.
 The sampler was located in New York State, in the lower Hudson Valley region. 
An area of early Quaker settlement.

The sampler was completed in 1806
 by a young schoolgirl named Phebe. 
The sampler features traditional Quaker motifs
surrounded by a four-sided border of Quaker half medallions. 
 The flosses are a deep midnight blue, grey blue and peachy salmons.

The only stitch loss on this piece
is where Phebe stitched her last name. 
 I can make out that the name ends in double f - en,
or double f-in. 
 The first letter is circular in shape, possibly a G or C...

Possibly Griffen or Coffin?  
 A little genealogy search may also turn up using those names. 

 If I decide to reproduce this sampler,
I probably will pop it out of its frame
and take a closer look at it's backside.

Often times you will find stitch loss easier to make-out on the backside.   

With the purchase of this piece, my curiosity has been piqued...
I want to educate myself about the Quakers. 
I've done a little bit of reading.
  History wasn't my most favorite subject in high school
 wish I would have taken more of a liking to it then..

 I know we studied the Quakers and their role against slavery,
 but didn't retain much
other then that,
and that
 George Washington was a Quaker
 so was Captain Crunch!!! 

I leave you today with a picture of my three girls...
Sarah Taylor (some of you may recognize her, she is available in a floss keep)
Allice Cooper
Phebe...the little girl whose last name is a mystery.
The three girls look so pretty together...
their threads coordinate so nicely!
Bringing you up to date on new items in the shop...
Lots of new patterns have arrived over the past couple of weeks
Stacy Nash
Blackbird Designs
Needlework Presses new book
Plumstreet Samplers
and more.
A shipment of floss keeps arrived, so that page on the website has been updated.
And lastly, we have more sewing bird clamp kits in as well.
The rush from market has settled down, things are back to normal in regards to shipping time.
Thanks for your patience.
Until next time...take care,




  1. A true pleasure to stop by your blog today. Thank you for sharing....

  2. Thank you for sharing Phebe with us! She is a stunning sampler.

    Robin in Virginia

  3. I have a real soft spot for Quaker samplers and love everything about them. It was a a joy to read about your Phebe, thank you for taking the time to share her with us.

  4. Wonderful! Thank you for sharing :) All 3 of them would be lovely to reproduce and hopefully someday they will be!!

  5. Like this post very much. The book Quaker school girl Samplers From Ackworth by Carol Humphrey is well documented about the topic. But you probably know or own this book.

  6. Very fashinating Sampler with the story inside...

  7. All three of your lovely girls are gorgeous :)2

  8. What a joy to have three lovely pieces of history. Thank you for sharing the story.

  9. Thank you for telling us about this lovely sampler. Hopefully you will chart it one day ;) What town did she come from? I am curious because I live in NY state- lower Hudson Valley.

  10. I love all three samplers and the colors are so pretty. Very soft and pleasing to the eye.

  11. Thank you so much for sharing your story about Phebe. She truly is a beauty and now I'm also curious about her last name. I really do hope you reproduce the pattern...soon...please, pretty please soon. Her colors are so soothing and calming. I love how you have her hanging out with "the girls" her friends.

  12. George Washington was not a Quaker; according to MountVernon.org, while he kept his religious beliefs private, and while traveling attended services of any convenient denomination, he was Anglican (Church of England, which would have been the "official" church of the British colonies in America). Washington also owned slaves, which would have been antithetical to the Quakers.


    Your "Phebe" sampler is charming!


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