
Re-united with Elizabeth...

After several months tucked away in my stitching case,
 Elizabeth is back in hand!
With fall quickly approaching,
her autumn-colored threads are a perfect stitch
 for this time of year.
I hope to have the sampler finished
 and in pattern form
sometime in September.
Doing a little masonry work...

You see I jump around when I stitch.
I have SADD (stitching attention deficit disorder)...
Stitch a few rows of shingles,
stitch a few brick,
now lets stitch some mortar.
 and that door frame,
 we'll give it a door tomorrow!
See the windows?
 They aren't all uniform...
How many of you would have ripped out those three windows and started over?
I'm guessing most of you.
I also stay true to the original sampler,
charting and stitching just as I see it.
  Elizabeth's windows were askew,
and so will be mine.    
We could all take a little stitching lessons from these young girls,
don't sweat the small stuff...
In the whole scheme of life,
a couple of wonky windows are small stuff...
so why sweat it?

Have a good day everyone,


  1. ooh. I love fall colors! Can't wait to see it all together.

    And yes..I'd be included with those messing up on the windows.

  2. I absolutely LOVE your designs. I can't stitch fast enough to keep up. Thank you for sharing your talents with us stitchers. Hugs!

  3. I for o e love the little quirks in the designs. T me they humanize them. I am currently stitching Birds of a Feather and I have made a mistake along the way so I just adjust to compensate for it.

  4. I usually make one mistake ( not on purpose) with the samplers I do. I usually discover them too late to frog ...makes them unique and is a game find "Mommy's mistake" . hahaha

  5. I'm pretty much in love with what you have shown us here :)
    But it seems I'm pretty much in love with everything you show us :)

  6. I have enjoyed your designs and your blog for quite a while. I am not on Facebook so I was wondering if you will still be posting to this blog. Your top photos are no longer visible, but it could be something with my computer...

  7. I love the piece that is your header... is thier a pattern and kit to that? the colors are quite beautiful and go perfectly in my home! I do hope so...
    I look forward to hearing from you...

  8. I just love your designs and envy your amazing talent. Please, I must ask you, what is that amazingly beautiful design at the top of your blog page? I would love to stitch it and can't help but wonder if it's another of your designs but I can't seem to find it in your shop.


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