
Helping hand?

My helper...
Typical. cat.
Decides to take a nap in the midst of my what I'm working on.
I'm working on & scheming a finish...
A pillow?
Can't decide...
He's been asked by his human dad if he is supposed to be laying there. 
He just gives him the "sleepy kitty face" look...

quickly falls back into a slumber,

Sweet kitty dreams.
Dreaming of a new "kitty duvet" finish!
With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. "Who me?" the kitty says...lol. I always have a furry helping hand too, but love them anyway.

    Can't wait to see what you decide!

  2. I have 2 of those "helpers". Thankfully they never help me at the same time! ~Ann

  3. Aren't they just the cutest beings. Love your piece, can't wait to see how you finish it.

  4. Awwww... what a sweet and fluffy kitty! I hope you decide on a finish soon... because that design is gorgeous and I can't wait to stitch it! ;-)

  5. He looks just like my kitty; only she has blue eyes...they do make themselves comfy where ever they want to...lol beautiful stitching; can't wait to see it "finished"..

    Hugs, Shar

  6. All the pictures are looking mind blowing thank you very much for the sharing and just keep up the good work.

    Service Lapel Pins

  7. pretty kitty and I love the sneak peek at the new spring design - I'm a sucker for urns and bunnies both. Melody

  8. How adorable! I can't wait for Nashville Market to see what goodies you have for me next!

  9. I love this pillow(?). Could you tell me what it is called, and were I can find it? Thanks

  10. He looks so comfy there! I do love those fabrics though and think they look wonderful with that design.

  11. This happened today at my house.....only difference is Abby is a gray tabby, and my pillow ticking is blue! She really loves that ticking!


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