
Floss Organization System?

The question has been asked.
You've all read it or been asked it...
How do you organize your floss?
Under that 12 pounds of fur
 is organization,
Kitty loves my system!
Signed Brenda,
who wonders why there is " kitty fluff" on her floss...
a few days ago I was visiting Paulette Stewart's blog
and she shared this cute video for all the cat lovers...
 In case you missed it,
here it is


  1. Ola tudo bem?
    Gostei muito do seu Blog...

  2. I think extra cat fur adds dimension to the finished product. And there's no extra charge for this service! Your cat is actually "helping" design your new patterns...;) Mary A

  3. Hilarious - the kitty video.

    Hilarious - the "kitty" deluxe organization system.

    Both of these fit my kitty to a T. Universal for sure!


  4. So funny that video!! My cat does the exact same thing as yours...flop all over my floss and linens! I'm constantly stitching with fluff!! Your kitty looks so cute. Is he a ragdoll or just Siamese?

  5. Oh, my gosh, Brenda, that video was darling and spot on for a cat!! Thank you for sharing!! And if I need a cat to use your organization method, I am just plain out of luck!! Will, my dog do?? She has planty of hair that she loves sharing with all my stuff!! :-))

  6. Thanks for sharing Simon's Cat. That is exactly how it happens at our house.

  7. Such a cute cat video....got to love cats!

  8. So glad to know my cats are not the only cats in the middle of quilting, sewing, stitchery etc. The video was great! LOL

  9. Looks as if yours is guarding them - mine carry them off.

  10. Really very intresting cat,s video but i want to say my cat is very different from her..
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  11. Brenda, love all things cat. When is "soon" as in new patterns coming soon? Today is first day of Market, can we see the new goodies now, please, please, please!!!!!!

  12. I can't let my ragdoll, Clarisse, anywhere near my floss. She'll take off running with it in her mouth and proceed to lick it. She particularily likes the DMC skeins because of the little labels wrapped around them. She likes the crinkle sound to them.
    I think any cat lover can relate to that video. Hilarious!


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