
What inspires me...

It's usually color that inspires me.
Old & worn colors
old ditties 
that I collect...
Look at the color of the roof on this little house.
A little cardboard Putz house
(circa 1900 - 1920's).
Little houses I get out each Christmas and set in my window sills
and on cupboard shelves.
 This old rusty red is my favorite color.
Old hand painted composition nativity sheep...
look at that color of  the grass
An old shutter green.
Just take in the lovely shade of white
these old stick leg Putz sheep
have turned with time...
a dirty shaker white,
my favorite shade of white.
So these little collectibles,
in their old & worn colors,
that I get out each  December 
was my inspiration
for the soon to be released 
March Word Play pattern...

Silly isn't it though? 

When I think of March,
the first thought that comes to mind
is the saying,
"In like a lion, out like a lamb"...  
or vice versa. 
Living in Iowa we always hoped for the out like a lamb.  

When I think of March,
I think of St Patricks Day 
a country I would love to visit some day...

.  My husbands mother was born in Ireland. 
She would later meet her military husband,
an become a war bride.
  I think of the beautiful green emerald jewelry 
she would wear in the month of March, 
jewelry that was gifted to her
by her jeweler husband.
Emeralds very similar in color 
to the old chippy paint on my composition sheep...

  It's fun to try and visualize
what the countryside of Ireland
must look like...
  What comes to mind
is very lush green countryside,
with gently rolling hills.. 
Little white bungalow houses
with perhaps red tile roofs 
 a  maybe even a little old man
out herding his flock...

When I think of March, I think of the four leaf clover,
or a shamrock 
and the little story 
that goes with it
about bringing one good luck. 
  I couldn't design
March's Word Play chart without adding this motif....
I spent many of summer days
of my childhood days on the farm,
looking for four leaf clovers. 
  When one was found
we would tuck it
between the pages our old black bible 
to dry and safekeepings...

isn't it
how patterns come to be...

Have a good day,


  1. Thanks for that bit of insight into what gets you going. Obviously, you're an idealist, lol. (Don't tell anyone, but so am I!) I have that same pic of Ireland, but I also have those half falling down stone walls that have been around for hundreds of years. Little crofts and bungalows... Lovely. It's probably like that in the countryside, and all smoggy and trafficy in the cities!!!

  2. I love reading what inspires your designs, love them all. Your posts each day are such a delight to read. You really could write some incredible books. I would also like to go to Ireland some day and especially after following the singing group Celtic Thunder for the last four years. They are awesome!!! Can't wait for the March design (also my birthday month).

  3. I bet you get tired of my commenting on almost every post, but I just can't help myself. I love hearing and seeing about all that inspires your designs. I love many of the same things as you and that is why I love your designs. I only wish now that you would put together a book on decorating. You have such wonderful taste and all that you post about on your blog, photos, designs, and recipes show it. You are one of the best!

  4. I think the inspiration for your patterns is charming. That's one of the best reasons for loving them!!

  5. Looking forward to seeing your March design after reading what inspired you. I may have to treat myself since March is my birthday month.

  6. So sweet. That's what popped automatically into my braino when I read and looked at the pics of your post. What a talent God has given you! Blessings! Liz

  7. No, these aren't silly thoughts. I love your inspiration.

  8. Those little houses and sheep are gorgeous. I like the sound of your March wordplay (coming from Ireland)! Love Linda x


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