
estos son deliciosos!

"these are delicious"!

 {Fajita Pulled-Pork Wraps with Avocado-Onion Slaw}

Today's recipe share is a new recipe try for me,
and it earned itself a smiley face :0)
The recipe was located while perusing through my stacks and stacks of cookbook magazines. I have a real weakness for these...  I stand and glance at them, while waiting in the check-out lane of the grocery store and I have a real hard time resisting the temptation to buy...
anyone else have a "cookbook magazine weakness"???  

It's a crock pot recipe and would make a wonderful item to serve if you're hosting a super-bowl gathering.   The recipe comes from a magazine by Pillsbury, titled Slow Cooker - 325 hearty recipes  

Let's begin, shall we...
In a skillet, heat olive oil over medium heat.   Brown all sides of a 3 pound pork shoulder/butt roast until nicely browned.  Season with freshly ground salt and pepper.  It is this step that will seal in the meat juices.
After meat is browned, place in a low temp crock pot; cook for 7 - 8 hours or until the meat starts to fall apart.

When the meat is done, shred with two forks...
the meat will easily fall apart,
Go ahead, snitch a taste...
season with salt and pepper to your liking.
Add 2 tsp chili powder, 1 1/2 tsp ground cumin and one 16 oz jar of mild, thick and chunky salsa;mix well.
Now it's time to make the Avocado-Onion Slaw...
don't skip this part folks,
it is what really makes these fajitas good.  The slaw adds a nice and creamy crunch. 

Finely chop 1/4 cup fresh cilantro

Using one medium onion, halved and thinly sliced

Pit and peel two medium sized avocados.
Cut into 1/2" cubes.
In a medium bowl, mix 1/4 cup mayonnaise, 2 tablespoons white vinegar and 1/2 tsp salt.  Stir in onions and cilantro.
Gently stir in avocado chunks.
 Warm tortillas (6 inch size) according to package directions.  Spoon pork mixture on tortillas; top with avocado-onion slaw.

And for an added kick,
if you wish,
season with freshly ground pepper and a dash of lemon/lime salt...
adds just the right about of lemon-lime kick!

Spanish Rice makes a quick and easy side dish to these fajitas.

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  1. Boy am I loving the recipes! This one sounds wonderful and I can't wait to try it. Thank you for posting.

  2. me to..i loving this recipe so much..
    thank you for sharing..
    hugs cucki xxx

  3. This looks delicious, Brenda! I also love cooking magazines, if there is a yummy pic on the cover I have to have it! thanks for sharing.

  4. Mmmm...looks so yummy! I'll be a tryin' it soon!

  5. Here I sit eating my greek yogurt,banana and grapenuts and I'm drooling for pulled pork...at 0800 in the morning! sheesh

  6. I make pulled pork using coke in a similar recipe for the crock pot. I will definitely give this one a try. I made you upside down chicken and it was delicious.

  7. What luck! Sunday I cooked up a pork roast to use for pork tacos on Monday. Saw your post Monday so all I needed was the Onion Avocado Slaw. How convenient was that?! It was delicious! Definite keeper. We are having leftovers tonight!

  8. Hi mom, ate this with chicken it was freaking awesome. Having a chicken avocado slaw sandwich tomorrow for lunch. Yum

  9. I am grateful for getting discovered this site. Hold up the excellent postings.

  10. These are really delicious, I'll surely like that.


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