
Unfinished handework...

We all can relate to those words, right???
Unfinished handework...

We all have them tucked here and there,
in plastic tubs, in cute little zip- up bags, in sewing baskets...


Just waiting for a cold winter's day to pull them out again,
to get re-acquainted,
if you will...
with the good intentions of,
"thy will be done"

I have many of unfinished pieces of handework of my own.
I've confessed.
I like unfinished work...
  So much so,
that I even enjoy buying unfinished handework,
worked by others...

Here are snippets of an unfinished antique sampler from my collection. 
It has various borders,
alphabet and numbers 
along with the "Lord's Prayer".
Our father
whichart in heaven
hallowed be thy name 

thy kingdom come...
as you can see,
whomever was working this piece 
never quite got to the "thy will be done" part,

I can't help but wonder if the stain on the cloth had something to do with the failure to complete this piece. 
The stain doesn't bother me
I hope to some day
do this sampler a favor
finish stitching the Lord's Prayer
and re-frame it in a more age-appropriate frame.

I'm drawn to samplers with out-of-the-ordinary motifs...
See the zebra?  
It is the zebra's fault that I now own this sampler.  
See the cute bunny? 
I also love old samplers that contain a bunny.
So it's also the bunny's fault that I now have this sampler in my collection...

And then there are the floss choices,
browns and blues...
a color combination that makes my heart flutter.
I own two antique samplers worked in browns and blues
and they both happen to be
unfinished pieces of work...

I also love borders.  Another detail I pay close attention to when purchasing an antique.
  This sampler has varying borders on all sides,
and even varying borders within those sides.  There are 10 different borders used within the four sides of the sampler. 

Some are small and some are very over sized...

The sampler itself is over sized...
See those fingers?
  See those toes? 
This gives you a perception of the size of this piece.
Yes folks, she is a big sampler...
She hangs in my office at Country Stitches. 
I spend many minutes a day
just looking at her lovely 
brown and blue, 
tone on tone
She measuring 39" x 22". 

Here is a better look at the varying borders...
they range in sizes from 1/2" at the bottom
to the 3" tall tulip border at the top of the piece.
  I love the folk-art feel
these mixed borders
give the sampler... 
Design is worked 
on a 28 count linen 
over 2 threads.

I have no plans on reproducing the sampler,
due to the size of the finished piece. 
there is a fun project
in store for 2012,
using bits and pieces of the sampler
worked into smaller samplers,
ditty pockets,
pin keeps etc...
all worked in 

Plans for this pattern series is due to begin
in October of 2012...
stay tuned for more details.

With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. ...I'm surprised, it's fantastic... *.*

  2. Wow they all so wonderful..
    Hugs cucki 😊

  3. This sampler is beautiful. Can't wait to see your ideas using those browns and blues!

  4. Oh what a gorgeous piece! It must be breath taking on display in your office. Looking forward to the tidbits from this piece.

  5. Brenda - I've been looking for a sampler of the Lord's Prayer that really speaks to me....I'm open for suggestions - laurie


  6. hi Brenda, You never know what you will find that some one else has started. We all have purchases others
    unfinished hand work. We love doing the hand work or else we wouldn't do it. You are right about unfinished projects. I have a few that I started and that is one of my goals for the year to see how many I can finish. Take care and have a great week. Your Missouri Friend

  7. I don't think I've seen a sampler this large before. It's gorgeous!! Browns and blues are my favourite combo too and I find that zebra so unusual.
    I'm looking forward to seeing what you've designed from these sweet motifs.

  8. Hi, Brenda - the large samplers fascinate me. I have a book about historic samplers and I'm learning a lot about the girls who stitched these beauties. They say that an unfinished sampler quite often meant that the stitcher died before she could finish the work. How lucky for you that you own this beauty.
    p.s. It's that time again, another family for the Eagles. I was a nervous wreck last year hoping that the eaglets would make it through storms and owls and fledging!

  9. oooo that is a big piece and its is quite unique with it not being finished ... adds to its charm .... and sooo far I've got mine covered ... though if I start any more this year might not have hahahah :) love mouse xxx

  10. What a find!

    I don't like to finish my projects but I have been know to finish someone else's.

  11. I like your work, they are beautiful.
    have a nice weekend


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