
In between fielding phone calls...

(political  phone solicitation,
I must add...)
(in case you haven't heard, our state is hosting the 1st in the nation Presidential Caucus today and our phones are ringing off the walls),

I did get some cross stitching and cross stitch planning done over the weekend,
woot woot!!  
Stitching is progressing along nicely on the Sampler of the Season - Spring.
The house is now done,
and it even has a roof..
The house on this sampler replicates our home,
by the way. 

Here are a couple of sneak peeks...

the finishing touches
and floss selections for March's Word Play are done!  
Here is a peak it it's color palette...
March was the month that I had been stressing about most,
but I do really like how it turned out.
It doesn't scream St Patrick's Day,
 just subtle little hints of it
amongst other Springy-Month-of March
motifs...I think you'll really like it! 

Time to tootle off to Country Stitches
dig in after my much needed sabbatical,


  1. aww it is looking so cute..
    happy stitching xx

  2. Everything looks fabulous, Brenda, and the colors are gorgeous, especially on March's Wordplay, I totally agree with your description and know we will all adore it, as always. :)
    Enjoy your time off, you certainly do deserve it.

  3. Always nice to see what you are working on Brenda...beautiful as always. Susan

  4. Our phone has the feature where we can enter a number to be blocked. So when we get one of those political calls or credit card offers we hit "call block" so they don't bother us again. I swear some of those people have 20 phone numbers!

    I really like the piece at the top of your blog. Can you tell me what it is?

  5. the sampler of the season looks beautiful, can't wait to see it finished!

  6. LOVE the new header for the blog. So pretty!

  7. Happy New Year, Brenda. Your project looks wonderful. I love the colors.
    Your banner makes me wish I had time for stitching right now.
    Hugs, Diane


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