
Monday Musings...

To those who have inquired about the "other Ann",
or the
Ann Dickinson 1813 sampler...
I'm happy to report she is back at hand.
She is out of the stitching basket
I made nice progress on this reproduction piece
over the weekend
I can say
it's nearing completion!
Release date for "Ann Dickinson -1813" is late summer, tentatively...
Part 2 of the Birds of a Feather Mystery Sampler
It will be on it's way to the distributor,
and then it's off to your local needlework shop.
Do you have part 1 finished??
and lastly...

Remember these from last year?

An antique reproduction Sewing Bird clamp just as the ones used in the mid 1800's. This particular sewing bird is a replica of one of the more elaborate designs made specifically for Marshall Field and Co. of Chicago in the 1890's and is intended for decorative purposes only.

Often times this sewing bird was gifted to the bride-to-be from her soon-to-be husband.

The reproduction clamps have a wonderful rusty~black patina to them...wonderfully prim! The little pincushion is fashioned out of indigo blue civil war calico for safekeeping of your pins. History pamphlet included, too!
I have 4
of these wonderful
antique reproduction
sewing bird clamp/pinkeeps
available for purchase on our website.
Sorry, the 4 now have new homes.

So sweet...
4 1/2" tall
from tip of beak
to bottom of screw.

These little ones seem to fly out the door rather quickly...
if you want one,
you'll need a quick finger!

These are available for purchase online only,
no phone in orders or reservations taken for this item...
thanks for understanding.

Have a good week,


  1. Thanks for the update on the "other" Ann. She looks great so far and I'm excited about her upcoming release. Hugs to you from Kentucky - kelley

  2. Ohhh....part 2 looks SO gorgeous. Can't wait to have it here in Australia - which will take a while of course. And yes, part one is finished. Part one was rather addictive...love it.
    Ann Dickinson looks great too, so does that sewing bird.

  3. Can't wait for Ann Dickinson to come out, I have loved it since you first showed it to us.


  4. Brenda, the sampler is beautiful. The unveiling of the entire piece is going to be exciting. And, nuts to me, I missed the boat with the sewing clamps. I spent the afternoon with my daughter and drove her home and by the time I'm on here, gone. Oh, well...
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  5. Ou trouvez ce mystery sampler en Europe??????? Il me tarde de me le procurer, merci d'avance

    Jacqueline Hélin

  6. Everything looks beautiful! I missed out on Soar--was wondering if I could still purchase a copy of the chart?

  7. Have been missing reading about your world...Guess you have been stitching and mailing out the Feather Sampler part 2...
    I had to take out all my eagles stitching. I had the wrong color going! Oh! That's a story. Ha-ha on me.


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