
Ducks on da wadda...

I had the pleasure of spending a few days helping out with Beckham, while his Daddy was in the Netherlands on business. I hadn't seen the little one for a couple of weeks and gosh golly, has this little one turned into a jabber box. I had to learn lots of new words, and more importantly, their meanings!
New words such as...
fo fen - Beckhams way of saying, fast forward (yep, even 2 year olds don't like watching movie pre-views...this totally cracked me up and I find myself saying "fo fen", just because it's fun to say and it makes me laugh every time I say it)
b & p - short for blanket and pacifier (these words are usually said when either tired or under distress of some sort, and amazes Grandma that he knows the first letters of these two items)
Tweeby - means Toby (Toby is the new train,from Thomas the Train, that Grandma B treated him to)
ducks on da wadda...

Their community has lots of little ponds throughout the neighborhoods. One sits at the end of their street, one is a couple of blocks from their home, one at the bank corner and one across from the John Deere plant, where they make (as Beckham says) "big cocka's", translation - big tractors.

you put this little guy in his car seat to head off to Target or the grocery store,

and he turns on his radar vision,

i swear.. .

he doesn't miss any body of water!

If you use any sentence with the word w-a-t-e-r
in it...
you guessed it...
ducks on da wadda???
Grandma even had to draw ducks on da wadda with chalk onto his sidewalk...

when he sees a pond or a fountain,
ducks on da wadda, ducks on da wadda
and the sentence is repeated faster and louder if he senses Mom's not stoppin...
so over the few days that I was there I would hear his momma say,
"if you eat all of your dinner, we'll go see the ducks on the water..."
" after you take a nap, we'll go see the ducks on the water..."
Sometimes when you're a momma, you have to bargain with a 2 year old...
we've all been there...
done that!

Have a good weekend,


  1. Oh, he is so darling. Resembles my son (now 21 and a Marine lol). Love the vocabulary, and don't you love it when they have such a strong interest like that.

  2. Thanks for the grin Brenda! loved it!♥

  3. What a cute grandson. The large boy loved Thomas and Toby at that age. He got Toby for Xmas (from his grandma) and was so excited "Father Christmas bring Toby" was all we heard. It's a cowshed on wheels not even one of the more exciting ones!!! But he loved him.
    They're great for teaching numbers too. He was allowed to get up when Toby's number appeared on his clock but not Percy's! (Percy is 6 to the uninitiated.)

  4. Hi, Brenda... Beckham is a beautiful child.Thanks for making me remember when my daughter was 2 and her thing was horses. Every one was "Coco" when she saw them. My mother's property was next to a lady that had 3 horses on her land and Ashley and I would walk over to see them. I don't know where the name Coco came from, except that they were brown. You are a proud Grandmama and I can't wait to be one.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  5. Love the pictures of Beckham and the ducks.Enjoy spending time with Him they grow up so fast. I have my 3 grandchildren over night tonight. we are having popcorn and movies.

  6. That's so sweet. I love the things they come up with and the way they see the world.

  7. oh the babys is very lovely

    bisous de France

  8. He is an absolute doll! Love that blonde hair....takes me back to when my now almost 20 year old (who now has dark brown hair)had that same soft, shiny little blonde head! What a wonderful day to spend a few days! ~Kriss~

  9. You have a Precious grandson, my grandson Ben (3) calls me and tells me what train he "needs" from Thomas the train. Aren't they a hoot, so much fun to be an Oma (or Grandma.)

  10. You just have to love them at that age. They don't always say it right, but they say it their way, lol. I tried to teach my ex boyfriend's cousin's kids to say fox. Ended up with a curse word, lol. It was not a pretty sight.

  11. Wonderful pictures! There is nothing more special than being a grandma!


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