
Bird Brain?

Webster defines birdbrain as a stupid person or idea. Being the bird-lover that I am, I've always thought badly about this term. I think these little feathered folk are pretty smart. They can travel hundreds of miles each migration and know right where they are going, often returning to the same areas and nests...no Garmen or GPS needed! After watching the eagle cam it's also pretty clear they don't need no Weather.com either. Before each approaching storm you would find the parent eagles busily adding more grassy materials to their nests before the approaching storms... They also knew when it was time to add more sticks to their nest, making their baby gates taller, if you will...

But I've been put to the test the past couple of weeks in regards to this word, birdbrain. See the picture above? Look real hard....enlarge photo if you need to! See her? Yep, mother Blue Jay has decided to take up residence this year in the first crotch of a crab apple tree. Now if you aren't familiar with crab apple trees, the aren't overly tall. The first crotch is eye level to me, so let's say this nest is 5'7" off the ground.

Hmmmm....I'm thinking this might be a "first-time mom", what say you????

This tree sits approximately 4' from our neighbor's house.

A house where Spot lives.

Spot is not a dog.

Spot is a cat.

Spot climbs trees.

I guess you could call this nest location a birdbrained idea....

Have a good day,



  1. We have a "Spot the Cat," too!! And he climbs trees and has upset a nest or two in the past. One sweet mama robin built her nest in the tree next to our 2 story deck -- eye-level with our Spot as he stood on the railing. Needless to say, the nest was pounced upon and the eggs tumbled to the ground. I cried for the rest of the afternoon..... Poor mama and papa robin were beside themselves.... hopefully they learned a hard lesson, as I haven't seen another nest there in two years.....
    A terribly bird-brained idea....
    Have a great weekend!

  2. ohhh dear ... hope spot doesn't get it ..... love mouse xxx

  3. oh no...I hope this has a happy ending....

  4. Our "Spot" dog was Curley, a cairn terrier who was definitely a bird dog and we found out the bad way. Every year in our clematis vine over the garden gate arbor, some sparrows would build their nest inside, and when Curley went outside one year he brought back inside a present for me.
    Yep, you know. But, the bird brained thing was that the same sparrows used the same vine every year, and you know what Curley did every year. Yes, terribly bird-brained. Not as smart as the Decorah Eagles!
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  5. I too have found a nest in some weads in a ditch that my dog and I walk past every morning. I could easily reach in there and get the four sweet blue eggs. She always flies away when we come need. I can't see how these babies are going to make it. What was she thinking!!!! Trudy

  6. You know what they say - there's no accounting for some folks' parents! Smiles ~ Robin


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