
SAL Kick-Off...

Today marks the kick-off of the "Soar Sampler" stitch-a-long! I'll start posting pictures of works-in-progress on this Friday...so start stitcin' and sendin' pictures folks!

Send me one digital photo per week of your WIP to order@countrystitchesonline.com, putting Soar Sampler in the subject line, please. Also mention what count/color/brand linen you are using. If you are using hand-dyed flosses tell us that too! If you are a blogger and blogging about your WIP, pass that on and I'll post that along with your pics as well.

A little about my piece... I am using Onyx 30 count linen and working over 2 threads, using 2 strands of DMC flosses. I'm finding this sampler to be a relatively quick stitch...thinking I might get it done in 2 - 3 weeks of weekend stitching.

Also... wanted to share this history lesson with you all, compliments to one of my readers who pointed this out to me. She felt today was a very appropriate day for this patriotic sampler SAL event to begin. She reminded me that today is Patriot's Day. On this very day in 1775 Paul Revere made his famous ride to Lexington to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that their lives might be in danger. The Boston Marathon runs today as well, coinciding with this historical event.

And I leave you with this...

Just in case you haven't visited the eagle cam lately...Momma got a new pair of eagle slippers!!

Have a good week everyone,



  1. That photo is HILARIOUS! Guess I missed that pose, though I'm not sure how. I have them on my laptop screen just about all of my waking hours. Aren't those babies growing fast? I am looking forward to receiving my 'Soar' pattern. I wanted to tell you what a wonderful gesture it is for you to donate a portion of the cost to the Rapture Society, and thank you for turning so many of us on to that site. It has provided many hours of pleasurable viewing, and with your help, will continue to do so in the future. Kudos to you!!

  2. Brenda -

    Ditto all the thanks that Sherry wrote. Cool about Patriot's Day, too. I probably won't be able to start stitching on Soar until Wednesday...still deciding on fabric for one thing.

    Love the photo and your caption!



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