Announcing the release of two new cross stitch charts
With thy Needle & Thread...
Chart for a sweet 8" x 9" hanging ditty pocket. Christmas motifs are stitched on the pocket and then filled with fresh cedar, candy cane pipe cleaners & vintage sheet music. Old ivory buttons are sewn to the bottom of the pocket for added charm & detail. A quick stitch, worked on 32 count linen over 2 threads. Stitch count of this piece is 109 wide by 70 high.


A whimsical Halloween chart for every one's favorite Halloween character...a pumpkin head. Design is worked in yummy autumn colors on 40 count New Castle linen (color - sand) over 2 threads. Stitch count is 136 wide by 125 high.
Lookie what the UPS man delivered today...
Lookie what the UPS man delivered today...
4 wonderful new Halloween/Christmas charts for 2010 from The Prairie Schooler. All charts are now available online for purchasing.