
New Patterns & New Arrivals..of the feather type!

Happy to share with you 3 new sampler designs 
for your summer-time stitching pleasure!

"Sampler Hill"

"Heart of the Home Sampler"

A special "THANK YOU"
 goes out to 
Suzanne Garber
April Taylor
 for their beautiful work on these two samplers.

"Mary Jane Smallman, 1836"

Also happy to announce we have babies!  You may recall from my recent "bird posts" about our sassy little Robin that we fed grape jam to this spring?  My husband was convinced she was just too lazy to hunt for worms,  and I was convinced maybe she just craved grape jam...all expectant momma's  crave something, right? ;)

Here is momma.  She has moved onto a diet of insects and worms and can be found most days sitting in our little red bud tree.

Keeping a careful watch over these....
 Three little, naked babies. 
 She built her nest in a little row of shrubs that hug the corner of our house.   I enjoy the bird's eye view of the nest outside the bathroom window.  I would like to think it is her way of saying, "thanks for all that grape jam!"     

You will notice little robin motifs on the new Sampler Hill and Heart of the Home Sampler.  I guess you could say this robin had a little hand in my spring designs!  "Thank You, Robin"

I hope everyone has a good week,

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