
It's that time of year!

We've enjoyed a beautiful fall thus far.  Our yard has been loaded with migrating robins.
We have never had this many robins, ever.
Not much bird bathing...
they were more interested in quenching their thirst,
and an occasional
cooling off the toes.
Bird migration has always fascinated me.
 I have come to that time of year where I possibly can't eat another tomato,
 I've had my fill for the summer. 
 I'm ready for comfort food... pot roasts, roasted chicken, potatoes & gravy.
  A time for transition.

The days are becoming noticeably shorter. 
 I find that my morning stitching is in more darkness
with each passing day.
The mornings are a bit quieter, less morning song bird chatter.
To fill those darker hours of my day and evenings,
I've been working on a new design.   

It doesn't have a name yet. 

 My overload of tomato eating must have influenced my floss selection.  Lots of tomato greens & reds...

 It isn't an overly large sampler..
It has a delicate and petite feel to it...

 Lots of tiny little motifs, tightly spaced.
Easy to start and finish a motif with a cup of coffee or sip of tea.
Quick gratification.
I've chose to end the sampler with a sweet verse about the needle worker.
And if you look hard, you'll see tiny little robins tucked here & there.  
 I was often times distracted
by my birdbath of robins
while working this piece
 and had to include robins in this sampler.
  The sampler will always be a reminder of autumn 2013,
 the year I filled my bird bath 3 times a day!
With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. would love to stitch this one, gorgeous

  2. Looks like another beautiful sampler! Can't wait! :)

  3. You have my attention! Looks lovely and birds are always a nice touch!
    I have just about completed Frances Pool, looks like just in time.
    Judy in Kansas

  4. Another tease.... I will be looking for the final product... Another winner, I'm sure~

  5. This new design looks amazing...
    can hardly wait to see it completed.

  6. oooo pretty and love the wee thimble too :) your robins are quite different to the ones that come to the mouse house ... :) love mouse xxxxx

  7. You don't know the title, but I already know I want it :)
    Perfect color choices!

  8. Oh the torture of not being able to see it! I am with Vonna on this one, already know I want it. Beautiful sneak peeks!

  9. I just love reading your blog. Not just the stitching stuff but the nature as well.


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