
Fun on the 4th!

I hope everyone had a pleasant holiday weekend!
  We were so lucky to enjoy the company of our favorite little guests...
so fun to just take in  all the cute little things
that a 1 year old does,
and a 4 year old says...
{love her little piggy tail, too}
 enjoyed some playtime at the park
and even played some grocery store!
Grandma got out her favorite toy as a child...a little red cash register. 
 To her surprise,
 the bell still dings when the drawer opens
and money was still in the drawer...
We spent our morning in our pj's playing grocery store.  Beckham was the cashier while grandma stocked the shelves with groceries.   After the shelves were stocked, grandma became the shopper.  Beckham checked me out, I paid and then it was "thank you and have a nice day"....so, so cute!
The little ones enjoyed some beach-time...
We visited the big concrete steps of where the old beach house once stood... only the steps remain, the house was sadly torn down a couple of years ago by the city. 
we looked for shells...
and flat rocks to skip across the water...
dipped our toes and squished some sand between them...
and just enjoyed some wonderful time
with these two little darlings...
we love just love them to pieces!
Have a good week everyone,


  1. Wonderful pictures of your grandkids....in particular, the one of your granddaughter walking
    near the wall with "sandy feet" is
    really beautiful!

  2. So cute! Well Grandma I hope you have many times to share with those lovely grandkids! Greetings

  3. I can't imagine better company!! They are just adorable!

  4. Lovely photos.They are too cute.:)

  5. Cute pics!!!
    Even her little toes are painted!
    Such fond memories you made with them.
    Prim Blessings

  6. Aren't they the best...there is nothing like wee grandkids to simply melt your heart!

  7. Beautiful Pictures Brenda! They have grown up so much.

  8. Your grand children are so beautiful!!! Wonderful pictures.



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