
The boys are back in town!!!!!!

 My world this morning is a whole lot

what a difference a week makes.
 A week ago we were in a blanket of white,
this morning the trees are blanketed with fragrant blooms,
buzzing with bees...
things are coming to life!
Oh, what a beautiful morning!
While doing my morning stitching,
  I heard my first wren.
They have returned and soon this little guy
will be busy building several new "homes" for the love of his life. 
 It is usually safe to think
 that spring has arrived to stay,
when these little puff of feathers make their appearance.
The outside is so full of noises
 that are songs by my ears,
 this time of year...
This boy was busy drumming on our chimney this morning.
  As startling as this can be,
it's still music to my ears.
Sounds of springtime.
  After several minutes of drumming,
 on the tin flashing around the chimney,
 it was off to enjoy a nut or two...
Isn't he pretty?
the boys are back in town...
I've filled a couple of feeders with safflower seed just for my boys.
It's their treat of choice...
A trip to the grocery store
 to buy oranges and grape jam
 is on my list of to-do's today.
I've got bird chores to do....
need to get ready
for the arrival of the
Baltimore Orioles. 
They will soon be our guests.

 The boys are back in town...
Spring has finally arrived,
 I think I'll call in sick today!

Happy Spring,


  1. Those boys are beautiful! I love your pictures.

  2. I was thinking the same thing this morning... Spring fever, a good day to call in sick. Alas, I did not. Enjoy these days!

  3. Isn't it wonderful to have these lovely visitors! I'm enjoying the visitors we're having at the bird feeders...the squirrels aren't quite as welcome though! ;)

  4. I love your boys, just wish I knew what kinds of birds they were. I haven't seen them in my yard in Wisconsin, at least I don't think I have. <3 your stitchings.

  5. Beautiful photos Brenda! Love all the boys! Makes my heart sing with Joy.

  6. It sure has been crazy weather!!! We are finally getting green here in PA too! Really late this year.

    Your bird friends are beautiful! I love hearing the song birds singing their little hearts out.

    I've been seeing my little hummingbird the past few days. Not many flowers for him to enjoy yet!

  7. Really, really beautiful photos. The flowering tree must really give you a lot of pleasure and your bird photos are wonderful. Tried multiple times to get good photos of my yellow finch but my point and shoot just doesn't capture them! Enjoy your spring!

  8. Fabulous pictures!! We've never seen a red headed woodpecker around here. He's gorgeous!!


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