
Happy Birthday Matthew!

Wishing you the best today
on your 30th Birthday! 
30 years, how did this happen so fast?!!
Enjoy your day!
Mom & Dad 
{Photos were taken during Matthew's visit home last summer.  He and a couple high school friends participated in their first half-triathlon.  The above photo was taken by me.  All my photos from this day are a bit fuzzy...mother's nerves, you know!    The above photo makes me laugh... at the time I was taking this photo, I didn't even realize that his dad was on the other side of the path taking a photo too!  A two fingers up gesture to his Dad, must mean it's a piece of cake, right?
Have a good week everyone, tis a cold, windy and snowy day here,


  1. Brenda,
    My Son Mike turned 30 last summer (he does Tough Mudders and Warrior Runs)so I can relate to how you must be feeling. Where is that little boy who smiled all the time and could get out of any trouble by telling me he loved me with a hug around the neck. What a fine young man he has become - whatever did I do right? Such pride we feel as they live their life and make good choices!

  2. Happy birthday to Matthew! Today is my husband's birthday; an awesome day of celebration. And our daughter ran her first half marathon yesterday in VA Beach. It is just amazing watching them.

  3. I know how you feel, today my son turned 29 and I am wondering the same, what happened?? love your blog, very inspirational!! Happy birthday to your son and you too!!


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