
A Snowy Sunday

The weather outside is telling me it needs to be a lovely, lazy and  "stitchy" sort of day.
The furry folk are wearing a dusting of snow...
 feathered folk friends
are in sort of  a feeding frenzy today...
 The birds had pretty good manners this snowy morning...
they waited their turn
didn't seem to mind sharing,
for the most part...
the big red boy...

 he's spent his morning chasing off other big red boys...
he is territorial
and this is
 As you can see,
our ground is pretty barren,
an unusual site for mid January...
so the morning's dusting was somewhat welcome.
Can you spot the fat bunny?
 This boy comes out at night
 to feed on dropped bird seed.
   He just minds his own business,
quietly eating in solitude under the moonlight. 
He then can be seen for a short while
 in the early morning hours
 then he disappears for the rest of the day.     
Isn't he nicely camouflaged
with this morning's
 snowy surroundings?
He looks well fed,
doesn't he?
 This morning I caught him do a little pruning nibbling on my Viburnum bush. 
I'm okay with a little pruning,
 just hoping he doesn't get too carried away!
I hope you all are enjoying a relaxing Sunday afternoon. 
 The dh treated me to a late morning breakfast
 griddle cakes and oven-baked Apple smoked bacon.
  Pot roast and veggies for an early dinner is the plan...
 I'm set to stitch the day away.
Have a good week everyone,


  1. What beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I love your pictures! Your birds are just gorgeous and the bunny is just a little butterball!

  3. Loving the snow pictures. Still dreaming of some white stuff here in Ga. Love the little birds especially the red bird and the cute bunny. Sounds like a wonderful hubby,,, that breakfast sounds awesome as well as supper. Enjoy your day.

  4. love the pics! I don't get snow where I live so I love when others share.

  5. Sure wish I could see a cardinal, would make the snow and cold worth it, sigh.....
    Nice to have a day of stitching.....you always mention this bacon, I have never heard of it but it sounds delicious....although I haven't met a bacon I didn't like.
    Have a wonderful day and thanks for the great photos!

  6. So beautiful pictures.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  7. What pretty pictures! yes, it's a good day to stay snuggled indoors with some stitching. Enjoy your day.

  8. Well Brenda, aren't you having the loveliest of Sundays!!! Enjoyed your wintery pictures. Right now we don't have any snow in western PA but that is about to change this week ... lots of artic air will be descending on us with snow forecasted just about everyday...arrgghhh...I'm more of a summertime kind of gal!

  9. Wow love the pictures. Thanks for sharing. I love the pictures of the cardinal and the bunny! In the NW we do not have cardinals so I am so envious. I do have a cherry and berry eating blue bird I would love to send to someone else!

  10. Looks and sounds like a perfect day !! Thanks for sharing the pics. Love them so....

  11. Love all your photos !! You have a great eye !... those Cardinals can be a little , uh,,,grumpy. ..
    Wow...Mr. Bunny is quite plump indeed !! Probably has a nice thick coat in preparation of the colder temps ?? It's going to get to 12 degrees for a high here next week...brrrrr..

  12. Those are GREAT pictures! I especially love the first one of the cardinal. But you can keep the snow and cold!

  13. Your pictures are just amazing. Would love a view like that, but happy I get to share in yours. CJ in OK

  14. I live in Ireland but am from the US, and I can't tell you how much I miss seeing cardinals. Thanks for the pictures!

  15. Your blog is beautiful! I am very glad that you like the birds and feeding them. So do I.
    I'll see you another time!
    Mammka from Hungary

  16. At first I was looking at your blog (which I really like) from my phone. No, I couldn't see that bunny there. When I finally was able to get to my laptop...awwwww there he is, all gray and matching the winter surroundings! The birds are wonderful to see! Here in So CAl we don't have the Cardinals ...our loss!
    Susan Branch has a lot of birds, and a squirrel, on her blog too right now. I love reading both of the blogs! Two very talented, fun ladies! Thanks Brenda.

  17. Love your pictures, I'm looking for a lens for my camera. Could you share what kind of camera and lens you use. Thanks for sharing all your great pictures. I really enjoy your blog!


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