
New photos for the brag book...

The grand darlings were our 4th of July guests! 
Like everywhere else,
it was a hot & sweltering day
here in Iowa...
the cool wind off the lake
was our only relief,
as we took in the parade.

Momma dressed the little darlings 
in their little patriotic outfits,
and we tried our hardest
 to get a photo
 of Beckham and Avry together...
a tricky feat,
to say the least.
Big brother at times 
was holding little Avry 
 like a bag of potatoes!
Needless to say,
 photographer Grandma had to work rather quickly,
as assistant Grandpa stood off to the side
to be the spotter...
I love these baby headbands.
I'm pretty certain
 that if they were around when their momma was a baby,
she would have had one in every color
and would have worn one
every day :)
I probably would have even been making them...
 even selling patterns to make them!
I usually poke little flags into my flower pots this time of year,
but the 4th seemed to have snuck up on me this year
 and it didn't get done...
so Beckham got to take a flag to the parade.
He was all about waving the flag...
so cute!
We didn't put the flag down...
He just stood at full attention
and took in the sights and sounds of the parade...
only putting it down 
to open a piece of freshly tossed candy...
As for Avry,
she didn't need a piece of candy,
her new found thumb
was her sweet!
She's working on mastering how far
she can stick it into her mouth without gagging!
At dusk we took in the fireworks over the lake.  
Prior to, 
we explained to Beckham that there would be some loud booms,
 but there was nothing to be afraid of. 

   He kept reassuring us that,
"Beckhams not afraid of the fire-works eder (either)."
 At the 15 minute from fireworks boom, we walked down to the lake.  
Over and over
we heard,
"Beckhams not afraid of the fireworks Momma",
at least a hundred times,
in the two block walk.
Pretty soon I hear Daddy say,
"do you suppose he has himself convinced yet that he's not afraid of the fireworks"!!

He tried his hardest to be brave,
with only one minor melt down
from fear.
We got home from the fireworks and I asked him if he was afraid of the fireworks...
in his deep voice he said, "no".
I then asked him if he was just a teensy tiny bit afraid of the fireworks...
and in his deep voice
he said,

Grandkids are a blast,
no pun intended...
they really are!

Have a good day,


  1. Sounds like you had a great time. Your grandchildren are gorgeous.

  2. Beautiful Pictures Brenda! They are so cute!!

  3. Tolle Bilder von Deinen Enkelkindern. Sie sind ganz bezaubernd.
    Liebe Grüße Grit

  4. I have 2 grandsons 4 and 2. They are outside boys to the core. When the fireworks started they were both scared to death and my daughter had to sit in the truck with them to watch the fireworks. I had to chuckle when I read your post about the 4th. Love Country Stitches, I have purchased several patterns but none lately, I am getting in the mood for more needle punching. have a great weekend. Mickey in PA.


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