
New Patterns!

It's getting close now!
 Flosses are being kitted,
 linen is being cut
you might say,
I'm just getting
 all my little
 ducks in a row,
before the release
of the following new patterns. 

So here is what is coming!
You can expect these to be added to our 
website just as soon
 as that last
 little straying duck
gets in line!!
Is a cross stitch chart
 for a fun little sewing box chair
 that you construct from 
linen-covered cardboard. 
  The seat cushion lifts up,
 revealing a little box
 to keep all your
 sewing needfuls in!
This 9" chair
 has a crisply box pleated ruffle 
and her
 little wooden legs 
are old wooden thread spools...
how cute is that?
  All letters of the alphabet
 are included
 so you may personalize your chair!
   Also included in this pattern
 is a sweet coordinating pincushion, 
complete with cross stitched motifs,
 old mother of pearl buttons
antique ticking. 

The 8th of the 12 monthly series
 is now ready
 for your stitching pleasure!
  Full and partial floss packs 
will be available
 as always.

After a little delay,
 the Spring sampler
 in this 4 sampler series
 is now ready! 
 It's an earth-warming spring day
 on the homestead,
gentle breezes are blowing,
it's time to get the quilts out
 for their annual airing.

  Design is worked on
 30 count Parchment linen 
over 2 strands,
 using GAST flosses throughout.

A big "THANK YOU" to Valley House Primitives
for supplying us with another one
of their beautifully hand-grained frames.

Moving onto NEW punchneedle patterns...
A sweet little huswife pocket 
with antique crock and rabbit pull toy. 
 Wool penny tabs 
antique mother of pearl buttons
 adds extra detail
 texture to this piece.
   A perfect little piece
 to hang from the corner 
of a ladder back chair
 cupboard knob.

"My garden is beauty full"...
Here we have chambray skirt & straw bonnet clad gardener,
 admiring her bumper crop 
  carrots and parsnips. 
Oh there are rows and rows of other 
produce and sunflowers too,
 but is is the parsnips that she
has her eyes on...
 She is thinking Parsnip Pie,
 just like the ones
 her granny used to make.  

   Design is mounted on a linen weave fabric 
 wool flower accents
 at it's corners.

That's all for now folks!

Have a good week,

P.S. no baby yet!


  1. yeah!! can't wait to get all my stuff. have you figured out what your gonna do with the whotman's sampler box? denise

  2. OMG! You have really outdone yourself this time!!! Absolutely thrilling!

  3. LOVE IT ALL Brenda! I just adore your work. I am dropping hints for Mother's Day! LOL

  4. Another gorgeous lineup Brenda!! I've been going through punch withdrawal - but I HAVE to finish my rug first....but I'll be plotting and planning until then! Happy Sunday! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  5. How many treasures!!! But the chair is so cute!!!

  6. Oh my gosh, I love them all! I think the May Word Play is my favorite, the little gardening woman is so very cute.

    I also love Parsnip Pie. PLEASE consider charting it for cross stitch for those of us who don't do punchneedle.

  7. WAY TOO MUCH FUN !! Sit and Stitch is PERFECTION...way too much fun.

  8. I love them all Brenda !! Waiting with you for the Little one to get here!! lol

  9. Oh goodness - love all of it, but I know that the chair is at the top of my list. Just too gorgeous. I can't wait!

  10. Wow! You have been a very busy designer. I love the cushion seat with the compartment underneath it.
    How clever! It's first on my list.

  11. You are one creative lady ... your designs just get better and better. I love the Sit and Stitch piece ... just wonderful!

  12. Brenda, I've been crocheting a lot lately. But I cleaned my studio the other day and pulled down a basket that has my cross stitch fabric in it and started itching to set the yarns aside and pick up flosses instead....
    Now visited your blog and the itching is getting stronger. :-)
    Good luck with your new designs.

  13. Wow - they are all fabulous! So, how much linen is required for the "Sit and Stitch" piece? I am ready to start stitching on that design right about now! LOL

  14. Could you post a more detailed pic of Sit and Stitch? Hard to get a feel for it from the one that's up there. Thank you!


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