
Frost Warning...

To cover
not to cover...
that is the question
of the evening.

The weatherman is calling
for frost warning

Will our growing season
come to an end

The farmers are hoping not,
they would like a few more days
of warm & sunny weather
the corn & bean crops.

with frost in the forecast,
I took a walk along the lake
and snapped a few pics
of our cities
flower gardens...

they have been extremely
beautiful this year...

I've enjoyed them
and am not quite
ready to see
them go...

Pretty shades of pinks, reds,
yellows, purples & oranges...
a candy-striped carpet
of posies,
if you will.
(How many of you had candy-stripe carpet in your home growing up? I might be dating myself here a bit... We had it in our family room and I thought it was the grooviest thing ever!)

But to all things there is a season...

The boys of summer
have put away their playing gloves,
jack frost is knocking upon our door,
Autumn is quickly approaching.

the second summer,
when every leaf
becomes a flower.

We must have one to have the other.


Have a good evening,


  1. Hope Jack Frost doesn't visit yet...those posies are too pretty to lose this early.

    I just closed the last open window and put on a long sleeved shirt, and it feels good. I guess I'll make a cup of tea and do some stitching.

    Here comes fall.


  2. While Fall is my favorite season, summer passed too quickly for me this year. Thank you for showing us the beautiful garden displays. We'll be savoring those flowers come November.

  3. I can't wait till Frost or any kind of cooler weather. My grass and flowers are dead from the heat. I love the new design brenda!!

  4. Such pretty flowers! I'm not ready to let summer go yet.

  5. Pretty flowers and green grass. I live in Dallas Tx and it is dry, dirty and dusty. Yesterday we hit 107 again. We have had 70 days of temperatures over 100. We will take your frost.

  6. Gorgeous blooms, gorgeous photos....The "to cover" or not debate was settled a bit ago here already...We've had frost several times, but last night we had a hard freeze - and the same is predicted the next couple of nights. Sad as it is, it is time in Nod to bid farewell to summer's lovely face. Smiles & Autumn Hugs ~ Robin

  7. ohhh lovely flowers and no I am not ready for the visit yet .... love mouse xxxx

  8. I loved seeing all those pretty gardens. I'm not ready to let go of summer's bounty yet. Our area was also calling for frost last night. I'm afraid to look out at my gardens.

  9. I am so ready for fall, we have terrible droughts in East Texas, and lots of fires.. we need rain and cooler weather. Can't wait for the Christmas stitchery


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