
Putting my needle to rest...

Once the stitching of a new design is done,
and tweaked to my
or even re-made
a time or two,
I put my needle to rest...
and I take a deep breath
and move onto the photo shoot/pattern layout and instruction portion
of the pattern design process.
It is this whole coming together of this part that tires me. I begin to get behind at the home front, the dh is doing the laundry, and a home-cooked meal...what's that? Long days are spent with camera in hand, and in front of a computer screen.
The shoulders ache, the neck hurts and throw in a migraine or two...
this is when
my body begins to scream,
are those pattern covers/instructions done yet???

I do love what I do though,
and feel very blessed each and every day
that I'm doing exactly
what I love.
I also appreciate all your visits here
and the kind little comments you leave.
This is what keeps me motivated and going,

After a weekend of intense computer crunching
and playing with graphics,
the new pattern covers are done
and I can now

And in a few days
I'll look over at my teeny little tomato pincushion
(which I love dearly, by the way)
and hear my needle calling me,
and then we'll do this
all over again...

Here they are folks...
new pattern covers for your viewing pleasure,
(click on photos to enlarge, for better viewing)



Printing, collating and packaging begins tomorrow,
bright and early!

Have a good week everyone,


  1. They are all sooooo beautiful!
    I don't even have a favorite one ~ because I love them all!
    Thanks for sharing!
    I'm adding them to my list!
    Prim Blessings

  2. I have put in my order. Love them all. Thank you for all your hard work. I feel very fortunate that I get the opportunity to purchase and stitch your designs.

  3. Wow, Brenda...I have a totally new appreciation and respect for you (which is saying a lot because I already respected and appreciated you tons!) - But I guess I never realized you did all of that part of your designs too...I knew you designed, charted, etc. - but just figured you had someone else do the photography and layouts. You are, indeedy, superwoman!! :o) Rest now...a new mission awaits you soon! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin

  4. Oh my, you did it again! They are so beautiful! I just LOVE the way you use the seam binding on the pillow cushion. Will there be instructions on how to replate that? I want to make it JUST like you have it! I see an order in my future!!

  5. Where's the edit button when you need one? Meant "replicate"!!


  6. As a fellow designer (with computer issues so I have yet to be able to complete the final process of getting it all together) I COMPLETELY understand all that you're saying! So much goes on "behind the scenes" in creating a pattern! You sound just like me....the creative process is the easiest, it's the preparation of the pattern itself that is exhausting. I have hopes mine will be done this week if all goes as planned. Your new designs are wonderful!! ~Kriss~

  7. How absolutely gorgeous, Brenda! Thank you for your gorgeous designs with fantastic instructions, your blog (one of my favorites), and your recipes -- had the BLT salad Friday night -- it's a keeper for sure. You are truly multi-talented. Gotta go order now!

  8. Love, Love, Love all your designs...what a gift you have!

  9. Designing is definitely a lot more work than most of us realize! Thank you for all the time you put into yours, I love them.
    This new collection is wonderful!! The purse is gorgeous!

  10. And we appreciate every creak and groan and pain and twinge!!! Thank you Brenda, we love you!

  11. You create Beautiful things !!!! I only wish I had more time to stitch ! Your blog is so pretty & I look forward to seeing each & every new post !!!! Thank You !!!

  12. From one designer to another, you said it perfectly and I feel exactly the same way when it comes to taking the pics and writing the instructions. Thanks Brenda, I needed that post :D
    Your new patterns are beautiful as always and a real inspiration.

  13. I love the new designs! We are grateful for your hard work. For the computer aches and pain might I suggest a Chiropractor. They can work wonderful things so sloching over the computer is not so bad. Also a nice hand, arms and neck massage. You will feel renewed. Cindy

  14. Brenda --
    All your designs are just so lovely and I appreciate all the time, work and love you put into each pattern! I always want to buy everything you design:)))

  15. I appreciate all your hard work and can't wait to place an order.

  16. Darling patterns, Brenda! I couldn't possibly do what you do.
    However, I hate to tell you, but "scissors" is spelled just like the word I just wrote. The front of your Stitcher's Purse pattern has it spelled "scisors." Might want to change that on your patterns before they are all printed up. :)

  17. Brenda - your designs are exquisite, and truly reflect the long hours involved in getting them to the "marketable" stage. You are also blessed with a wonderful spouse, who enables you and your "finest arts."
    Thank you for sharing your stitching delights with us on this blog. You are one of a kind!! tarheelchris

  18. Damn you're good. That little purse is just so special. The sewing clamp bird and the colors are just wonderful. Very nice samplers too.

  19. Brenda, I so love them !!!! That little purse is adorable. You are so very quickly becoming one of my very favorite designers !! Keep up the wonderfol work.

  20. Your color & style sensibilities are so enchanting... I realize after reading your post that coming to view your blog & creations is like going to a fine ballet.... It is beautiful, elevating and looks so effortless.... But there is much labor, hard work and difficulty to get to that day. Thank you for your care... and especially for all you share. These young girls' samplers are so evocative... Your work, a labor of love.

  21. These patterns are simply wonderful! I can't wait to order them. The floss colors are so pretty.
    BTW, I enjoy your blog sooo much..such inspiration and talent you have.


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