
Yes Mr. President...

justice has been served!

And to think he used a woman for his human shield...disgusting!

Hats off to our military, they are the best.


  1. Hi, Brenda...
    Doesn't it just scare you to death just to see that picture of him?
    (shuddering) Yes, hats off to our military for sure.
    Hoping you have a fantastic day.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B.,Western MA

  2. Congrats to the black ops who finally won the game of hide and seek. The world is somewhat safer with bin laden dead. Wouldn't want to be a Westerner in the middle east though.

  3. Congrats to our military! A day to honor them and those who have fallen protecting our country. We will NEVER forget September 11th. God Bless the USA

  4. Hi Brenda, came across your blog through Shell, and as a Dane I will also give your boys a big thank you, hopefully now all our boys and gils can come home safely.
    best regards Susanne in Denmark

  5. Yes, hats off to our military men and women. Some justice at last!

  6. I'm with you all!
    Kudos to all the men and women that serve for our country.Hopefully now they can come home.
    God Bless you all!

  7. Hi Brenda,
    Don't want to turn this into a political debate, but I am a bit sorry that creature isn't going to be put on trial. The families of those poor souls who died on September 11th, and the service people who have died trying to prevent a reoccurance, deserved to see him brought before a judge and answer for his crimes. I'm afraid I see his death as an easy end for him. And let's not forget that there is, unfortunately, a lengthy line of his followers who are ready to behave as ignominiously as he did. I agree with Theresa- wouldn't want to be in the Middle East right now! I shall continue to pray for the safety of all of our fellow countrymen overseas, and our countrymen here at home!


  8. Really, you had to put a photo of that man on your blog? I think it's high time we stopped giving him press. We all know what he looks like.

  9. I am so proud of the Navy seals and all the Americans that have sacrificed with their lives and
    the sacrifice of so many in our military!

  10. Hi Brenda,

    I want so very much to believe that bin Laden is really gone, but the suspicious side of me is having a hard time understanding why we buried him at sea. We've never done that with any of the other thugs that we destroyed. It rings rather weak the statement that there would be "a hard time finding any country to accept his remains". I truly, truly do want to believe the facts as presented, but I would have felt so much better if we hadn't been so quick to dispose of his body, no matter that we were following traditional Islamic customs. He didn't deserve those customs and the world deserves absolute proof that he's really dead. I don't pretend to know what "absolute proof" would be, but it doesn't set well with me that disposing of his body happened so fast. I love my country and I come from a very patriotic family with a long history of military service: father a prisoner of war in WWII and brother who earned the Bronze Star in Vietnam, so I hope my comments don't offend anyone. It's just how I feel. I wonder if anyone else is a little suspect of the circumstances of his burial.

    Diane in North Carolina

  11. IDK if it's justice. After all, he's just dead where he authorized murder and torture and everything. IDK, I heard someone else today say she hopes he's in a warm place, and I have to agree with that. As a matter of fact, I feel sure that he's in a warm place.

  12. Please take down his picture and put up the Americal flag...long may she wave!

  13. Hooray for our Navy Seals and the rest of our brave military! They did what had to be done. Mary A

  14. Thanks to all the service men and women who put themselves in harms way so we may live free at home!
    Well done!

  15. When I first saw the photo you posted and the caption underneath I thought it said "And to think he used to be a woman." lol Now that would be justice!

  16. sorry to see this on a stich blog. we have enough hatred in our world and i look to stitching to get away from it if only for a brief period.


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