
My Helper...

Looks like I have a helper today...

But pardon me,
pussy cat
I don't mean to disturb you,
I need your bed of floss.

With thy Needle & Thread,


  1. And what a beautiful helper she is!! Hope you can get back your hijacked floss soon!!

  2. What a pretty kitty, but I am very intrigued by what all she is lying upon. Could some of these things be new designs? Have a wonderful holiday weekend.

  3. She (he?) doesn't seem to be impressed with you wanting the floss back. She found it fair and square!!
    What is she laying on btw...that look like some new designs?

  4. Beautiful kitty cat! She looks very content on your pile of floss!

  5. That is one of the prettiest cats ever I do believe! Smiles ~ Robin

  6. Cat! Gotta love them. They always find the best places to lie down and it always seems to be right where we are working. She is a beautiful cat for sure!

  7. My goodness you have a beautiful helper! Love those brown legs!

  8. Just wanted to say that my family loved the cauliflower salad. ;-) Next time I'm going to add mushrooms too.

    Your kitty is as beautiful as the colors of floss she is laying on. Have a great long weekend.

  9. Hi,Brenda...That sure is a beautiful cat you have. Why is it that cats insist on laying on anything that we're working on/with? And, walking across and sitting down on the desktop keyboard. I have to use my laptop
    if I want to get anything done.
    I found our other cat inside the armoire WAY in the back underneath piles of fabric. I saw a set of shiny eyes staring at me when I opened the door this morning. He could have been in there since last night for all I know!
    Cats...gotta love them.
    Warm Regards,
    Susan B.,Western MA

  10. That is the kind of kitty that could help me stitch any time....what a fluff ball!! have a great holiday weekend ~Kriss~

  11. Gorgeous Cat - I must have his brother!!! A beautiful "ragdoll!

  12. Your helper is gorgeous! Is your cat a Ragdoll by any chance? I am the proud owner of a Blue Lynxpoint Rag and she loves to take off running with floss in her mouth! I've got to be very careful where I leave my stitching supplies.


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