
Good Saturday Morning!

Everything is so beautifully green this spring morning, after a little overnight shower.

Everything got a little drink overnight. Yesterday it was a chilly over-cast day, the sky was perfect for picture taking. My picture taking consist of me, in my kitchen, taking pictures through the windows (they might be clearer if I'd wash my windows {sigh}) and my 18mm - 270mm camera lens...I can sneak up on the birds, without scaring them away.

But this little guy (Orchard Oriole) is a tricky guy to sneak up on, even from the inside of the house. He has a keen sense and any movement I make, and he is gone. I'm still trying to get a good picture of him. The Orchard Oriole's are the smallest Orioles...isn't he pretty in his rusty brown vest and black top hat?

And I was excited, beyond excited, to have a pair of these visiting today...

A pair of Indigo Buntings!
I only was able to snap a picture of Daddy. I'm surprised the photo turned out as well as it did, as I was shakin' with pure excitement! I have not seen one of these since I was a young girl. I will spend my Saturday looking for these two I suppose, and taking a picture or two, or three or four if I spot them... They are absolutely iridescently brilliant and their song is like no other...beautiful!
The birds were so nice and plump, with their feathers all poofed out on this chilly spring day...

their way of trying to stay warm...

And they are still hungry...
I'm thinking the old saying "eating like a bird" has taken on a whole different meaning in my humble opinion...
I'm beginning to think they are pigs!
Here is Momma Grosbeak...she looks like an over-grown sparrow, with a big fat, cone-shaped beak...
she's not too showy, nothing special, really...yet still very cute in her own little speckled way...
you must admit,
she's not nearly as pretty as her honey...isn't he stunning? He likes to show off his pretty red bib...

Everybody needs to behave and get along when they are visiting my yard, that is the rule...

Here is the Grosbeaks Boy Choir (as I call them)...all getting along so nicely. Aren't they cute?
and another, visiting right up and close to my window...pecking at a spent hydrangea head.

And here is the Baltimore Boy's Choir...they don't always seem to get along...always fighting over the grape jam and chattering at one another.
And since birds seem to be the top of discussion today...the Mystery Sampler "Birds of a Feather" part I pattern has now made it to the needlework shops! Have you got your copy yet? Inquiring minds want to know!
Have a lovely weekend,


  1. You are so fortunate to have such an abundance of birds frequenting your feeders. I love all of the pics you posted. I have only seen one grosbeak and one indigo bunting here in my yard. We do have a pair of Baltimore Orioles which nest every year and several pair of Eastern Bluebirds that return. I enjoy awakening to their lovely songs. I am anxiously awaiting my Mystery Sampler. Cant wait to see what is in store.

  2. The colours of the birds are amazing! We don't have so colourful birds.. I like Your stitching.

  3. Thank you for sharing your feathered friends with us! So Pretty...


  4. You are so lucky to have so many beautiful birds. I love your photos. We get the grosbeaks and buntings every spring for about 2 weeks(NJ), and then they leave. I've got a big fat groundhog I can send you!

    I got my Mystery Chart yesterday-can't wait to see more.

  5. Thanks for sharing the lovely photos of the wonderful, colourful birds in your area. I wish I could see them in person!

    The Mystery Sampler was mailed to me yesterday (along with Ann Sandles) - can't wait to see it!

  6. Thank you so much for sharing such beautiful pictures. Magnificent colors.

  7. your pics are so beautiful! I love birds and to watch them too. I'm reminded in nature how God takes care of us too as he does birds.
    You really are talented with picture taking!!!
    My favorite is the bird eating the orange.....cute!

    Feathers in the Nest blog

  8. I love your garden setting with the bleeding hearts. One of my favorite spring flowers.

  9. Your pictures are beautiful, as is your garden. Great photographer, I might add! I love to watch the birds, specially the 'simple' things, like eating & hunting for food & just roosting. They go about their life so peacefully. Brenda, thank you for sharing.

  10. Incredible, beautiful, photos, Brenda! If you have get tired of stitching, you would have a very successful career in photography - remarkable! I'm amazed too, at your wealth of knowledge about the birds. I've tried, but I don't see enough of the details to pick out the right photo in the guide book - and end up thinking the males and females are two completely different species! I'm truly impressed. Thanks, so much, for sharing! Smiles & Hugs, Robin

  11. I received my Mystery Sampler yesterday. I just finished my Soar Sampler and can't wait to start the mystery. The fabric and threads are beautiful in the mystery sampler. Can't wait to see how it turns out.

  12. So loving the pictures ~ really enjoyed them.
    Prim Blessings

  13. Thanks for sharing the bird photos!!! They are beautiful and your descriptions are great!! Can't wait for the mystery sampler to arrive, I am busy finishing up an exchange piece, so I can keep up with it!!
    Have a great weekend!!


  14. You have the most beautiful birds in your area. We get cardinals, finches and blue birds and the rest are robins and crows, lol.


  15. OMG, your birds are all so COLORFUL!! I get lots of brown & black around here with an occasional cardinal. I know there are painted buntings around these parts but I've YET to see them. And my friend manages to attract the most GORGEOUS goldfinches but not ME!! :-(((

  16. I'm jealous!! My Indigo Bunting left after two days, now my Orioles are gone. They were feasting on orange suet and fresh oranges until I worked outside about 60 feet from the feeders. Never saw them again! Love watching yours through your lens.

  17. Just a thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures of the birds as well as all the other things you photograph. You really have a great eye.


  18. Wow, your birds are gorgeous. I love all the bright colors!!

  19. Oh, those bird photos are amazing--sure wish we saw such pretty birds in our yard!

  20. God sure created such beauty on those little birds. I loved the pictures of such a variety of birds.Thank you Cheri

  21. Brenda;

    Gorgeous photos. Next trip to the store, I'll add oranges and grape jelly. Grosbeaks and Orioles are strangers to my feeders.


  22. You are so lucky to see so many beautiful birds and you have a great skill for photographing them! I have really enjoyed seeing the pictures!


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