
A sneak peek at a head start...

I just could no longer stand wondering and worrying if the floss choices that I selected for the "SOAR SAMPLER" were going to look how I wanted them. Designing a piece without actually stitching it, before putting it into pattern form, is very much out of the norm for how I do things. So rather then waiting (& worrying) to join you all for the SAL, I've cheated and did a little head start on you all. It won't be long before you are all caught up with me, because, well, I have a mail order pattern & design business to run during the week and my stitching is limited to just weekends.

What I've found after stitching areas that I was concerned about (adult eagle & horse), is that the DMC floss colors are looking fabulous on the 30 count Onyx linen that I'm using for my background. Use of hand-dyed flosses would look scrumptious too! And guess what? The cute little nest of eaglets lands smack dab in the center of the pattern...don't you love it when fun stuff to stitch lands there??!! You will see I sort of jump around when I stitch, it's the ADD in me! I always start in the center and work a small area and if there is a border I then bop over to that and complete it. That way I know the border meets and everything else needs to fit within this area. It's easier to do some "fudging" on the inside area rather then on a border in most cases... But, we don't make stitching mistakes do we?? Naaahhhh....didn't think so! Remember...count twice, stitch once!

If black isn't your favorite to work on, the chosen floss colors should also work just as nice on a light tan or tea-stained background, as well.

I would also like to clarify that this IS NOT an e-pattern. So if you're sitting and anxiously waiting for an email to appear in your in box from me, it ain't gonna happen!! This is a beautifully printed, full colored pattern that is on it's very way to your mail box...

I invite you to join in on the fun of this SAL. Begin sending digital photos starting Monday, April 18th. Please limit yourself to 1 photo. I'll begin posting pictures of WIP right here on the Friday of that week. Remember to let us know what fabric color/size and flosses that you are using. If you are blogging about this on your blog, give us your blog web address and I'll share these goodies as well.

With thy Needle & Thread,



  1. Your piece is looking lovely! Please do tell which floss colors you've chosen!! Looking forward to receiving my pattern in the mail. I've just finished a piece so am ready to begin a new one!

  2. Can't wait for that baby to show up in my mailbox!

    Saw the three little ones alone in the nest for a full ten minutes this a.m. Glad to see some sunshine and a lot less wind.

    Have a great day, everyone.


  3. Brenda, Good Morning:
    I knew it would be hard for you to wait to start stitching!! We are all excited to receive our patterns in the mail.Will the floss colors to use be on the chart with the pattern? I know we've bugged you a gazillion times to give us the colors and I think I realize now that you want us all to be different for the stitch along! I like the Onyx linen very much, I want to stitch on that since I've never done a sampler on that background. The ones I've done were over 22 years ago when I was preggers with my daughter, and I tried to get them as close to an original as possible (light linens). I don't know now if I'll make the stitch along. My wrist is worse (hubby types for me) and I also order from the internet because we don't have anything close by here for nice linens and hand dyed flosses, I will be ordering from you because you have the best!! The Raptor Resoure Org. is going to be blown away when they find out about you and your perfect idea and your overwhelming generosity. I bet you'll be in one of those articles in the newspaper about the Eagles. Thank you from all of us for your kindness and generosity. We'll always remember this Spring with you and the Eagles.
    Warmest Regards,
    Susan B., Western MA

  4. Hi Brenda,

    Please, please, please consider making up kits of the eagle pattern for those of us who are not creative enough to pick out the threads on our own. I went to your website to order the onyx fabric but see you are out of it. I have to order by internet also since we do not have any great shops here where I live either. Thanks for this wonderful opportunity.

  5. Soar Sampler is just beautiful! I hate to ask but I do have one question: Where is the 13th star? I count 12 stars for the 13 colonies and know I must be overlooking something. Thank you so much for sharing this website with us and your donation. I would have never have known about it otherwise.
    Thanks again for your generosity!

  6. I'm so excited....my fingers are itching to SOAR !! Thanks again...

  7. Oh WOWZERS! I'll be stitching two samplers one for my Mama and one for me...(one at a time though)!
    Can't wait it looks great...I wondered if you were going to use Onyx...I had just looked at some. . .


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